Steamy Breakfast

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I thought it would be nice to make gordie breaky. I began with the bacon, putting it in a non stick pan and really tried to crisp it up. I personally find crispy bacon a horrendous sin to food(unless,, I really do like crisp bacon?), however that's how gordon likes it. After that, I toasted the bread, cooked the eggs, made the pancakes, heated up the beans I had made the other day, threw away the black pudding and then laid it all all perfectly on a pretty white plate. He's going to love this >:^} I thought. I liked to think I had gotten quite better at cooking as of recent. This was my chance to show off how much I've improved and hopefully get some gratification. things have been a little weird, and it's been a while now since he's said anything good about my cooking. Did I do something to upset him again? Maybe I really am a bad cook? maybe he knows about the daydream I had!? No..! That's crazy..
I shook all those thoughts away, I'm sure it's nothing. I took a deep breath, picked up the tray after also filling a glass with some orange juice and headed my way up to Ramsay's room.
Nocking shakily, i called out my mentors name, garnering a groggy "come in." From the other side of the door.
"H-hey Gordon,, I made you breakfast.." I stammered out, presenting the tray of breakfast goodies to him.
Gordon was sat up in bed wearing some mismatched pjs, which were obviously hastily put on before I entered, since most of the buttons were either undone or put in the wrong holes.
He looked at me blankly for a couple seconds but eventually a warm smile crept onto his still half asleep face.
"Thank you y/n- I don't know what to say.." he said softly while taking the tray and neatly placing it on his lap.
"Well,, you've been helping me a lot these past few weeks, maybe even months! I've kinda lost track of time.. but anyway, I thought you deserved a lay in."

"That's very thoughtful of you, darling.." he said still smiling.
My heart fluttered when he called me darling, but I was put to rest by my feelings. It was like I was in orphan school again and was awaiting my grades from my teacher/carer. That daydream was just a stress fantasy, I don't like him that way. While I was silently pondering to myself gordon was tucking into his breakfast hungrily. Barely a minute later I heard a huff from Gordon. I looked down at him anxiously, scratching at my palms behind my back, dreading the criticism I was about to be given.
"I guess.. it's ok." He said nonchalantly.
My ears drooped at those words. After trying so hard to improve and impress him, this is the payoff I get?
"I'm so sorry.. I thought I had improved! I used every technique and trick you taught me, I- I don't know what else to do.." I whined with tears slowly forming in the crevasses of my big kawaii Neko eyes. I have failed as a student. I'm a failure. A no good orphan neko.
Gordon looked shocked, or maybe angry? Maybe both? As he quickly stood up from his bed he grabbed my shoulders firmly, his eyes a mixture of emotions. He looked stern now; I could barely look at him as he was searching for the right critical words to throw at me, until he sighed defeated.
I stopped my sniffling in confusion, I looked at his usual tough face to see a man brimming with guilt and shame,
"Can I.. hug, you..?" He murmured in a hushed tone.
I was paralysed, what did he just say?!? I nodded slightly, and Gordon slowly inched towards me with his arms lightly wrapped around my back. It took me a while to fully realise what was happening but when I did I returned the embrace.
Neither of us spoke as we soaked in the feeling of our warm bodies pressed together.

"I'm sorry I've been so tough on you.." Gordon eventually spoke up, his chin pressed on my shoulder.
I hummed dismissively, still not entirely sure how to react.
"The truth is.. you're an amazing cook, y/n. There's not much else I could really teach you." He admitted guiltily.
I drew back from his touch to face him. "Why are you so tough on me then?" I asked with a frown.
Gordon averted my gaze slightly. "Honestly? I've been quite lonely after the wife left me. And you were.. entertaining."

"Entertaining?" I repeated. I couldn't help but let out a both amused and concerned hoot of a laugh.

"I know it's quite toxic of me but I thought if I didn't criticise you'd decide to leave and get a job!"

"Gordon, I-" I paused lost for words. No matter how much I ignore it, or pretend these feelings aren't there, I can't help but fall in love with him.

I slowly rested my hands on both his cheeks and stared longingly into Gordon's eyes. They were filled with concealed sorrow and loneliness, he really misses his wife, huh..

"Y/n.." Gordon whispered quietly in attempted to break the silence. His breath was warm but harsh against my face and his hands had lowered to my waist úwù

Kiss him.. kiss him.. you're so close just kiss him! He totally wants it too,, the voices in my head repeated over and over.

"Gordon.." I breathed

Is this fair? Do we share the same feelings? Or would I just be a rebound? Does he even want this? This is cruel. He still loves his wife, that's clear to me.

"I should.. probably get dressed." You snapped out of your thoughts, Gordon had stepped away from our embrace and was walking towards his dresser.

"Oh,, right. Sorry.." I said embarrassed. "Do you want me to take this downstairs?" I asked going for the half eaten breakfast, trying my best to avoid his gaze.

"No no, I'd like to finish it. Thank you for cooking it for me." Gordon said returning to his usual stoic attitude.

"You're welcome." I replied back softly on my way out of his room and into mine.

I closed the door to my room and I slowly sunk to the floor, letting out a massive breath of air. Huh, didn't realise I was even holding my breath. I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment and let out a squeak.
What was I thinking?! What got into me back there??
I shook my head. I can never do that again, it will cause more harm than good.

I heard a knock at the door and I panicked my way to my feet, "Uhm, come in?" I said shakily.

"Hey, uh y/n I'm going out for a bit. You can do what you want, but if you do go outside please take a bodyguard with you." Gordon said only poking a head into the room.

"I can go outside?"

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