Biggie gulpie

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I lept out of the shower for the second time that night with a massive smile slapped across my foot face. That was a funky time.
I had put on some comfy purple jammies and some fluffy slippers!! So cute X3 uwu
I still had a faint scent of chlorine latched onto my dewy skin, but I was sure I would be the only one to notice; Cat smelly senses an' all.

I sat on my bed and squeezed out any remaining moisture from my h/c hair with a towel. My face was flushed with a deep red from the thought of what happened just a short while ago.
I couldn't stop thinking about shaggy!! I was over the moon that he was doing well. I thought back to our moment at the pool, how his muscles bulged behind his green tank top ùwú, I covered my face to hide my goofy grin and red face.
"Stop thinking about his rock hard abs y/n!!!!!" I half whispered half squealed to myself while I rolled around on the guest bed.

My squeals were cut short however to the sound of a door opening and shutting downstairs. My neko ears scanned the house for sounds.. Footsteps, very tough and heavy footsteps. Gordon was home.

I gasped and slapped a hand over my ears, crap!! Where my bandana??! I grasped around the room trying to find any sign of a hat or a bandana but I came up with nothing. I hissed until I remembered the towel tossed lazily on the floor. I grabbed it quickly and wrapped it around my head just as Gordon opened the door.

"Y/n?" He called out groggily. I hesitantly stepped into his view and gave a lil wave, "um.. hello, Gordon." I said awkwardly, remembering not to say sir. Oh I was so awkward lol what am I like!!XD.
"Just thought you would want a red velvet kitten sprinkle surprise cupcake. I don't like red velvet, but they were handing them out at the party and I thought of you." He said with a raised brow and the cutest cupcake ever clutched in his palm.

I immediately started sweating buckets and a giant frog crept up the back of my throat to say hi. Does he know I'm neko?!!!!?! "Uh thought of me h-how.?" I winced trying to act as natural as possible.

He looked at me questioningly and replied, "Because you used to work in a cat cafe?".

I breathed out a heavy chuckle of relief, "Ah!! Yes of course!! Cat.. aha.. cafe..yes I get it now." I grabbed the cupcake shakily and smiled, "thank you,,".

"You're welcome." Gordon replied dryly, eyes all squinty and brows super scrunched, clearly unhappy with my standoffish attitude.

He leaned forward slightly and took a variety of short inhales through his fuzzy nostrils. "Why do I smell something chemically? Like bleach..? or... Chlorine?" He said looking me like he was waiting for some kind of confession.

Damn he's better at smelling than I thought!!!!
"Uh!! It must be bleach! I think th- I think the cleaners must have come through here recently!!" I lied through clenched teeth. I was horrible at this.

Gordon glared at me, staring me up and down. "Why are you still damp, huh? It's been hours since you got out of the shower."

I smiled awkwardly, this lie will be easy. "Simple, the shower was just so relaxing I wanted to use it one more time before I went to bed!"

"Huh." Was all he said. He stood there in silence, just staring off at something non existent, perhaps he was thinking. It was very awkward.

I stood stiffly, clenching onto the door like it were a weapon, "well..." I mewed glancing around the room awkwardly, making sure to look everywhere but Gordon's direction. "Goõd night,,," I smiled, finally deciding to close the door.

Just as the door was about to shut in Gordon's face, a large foot blocked it from closing.

"Oh, Y/n," Gordon began,

I almost choked. I slowly peered round the door looking at Gordon's monotone expression with worried eyes, "....yes?" I whimpered ówò.

"I don't like it when people lie to me." He said with a lingering stare.
"W-What?" I stuttered. Crap.
"Especially, when they lie as poorly as that. I gave you a chance to confess to your lies, but you just kept on fibbing." He growled. He huffed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes lazily, "if I weren't about to pass out from staying up so late, I would punish you right here right now." He grumbled, his spicy breath tickled my nose and made me shiver!

"So late? It's 9pm..?" I said shakily.

He just stared at me blankly like I was a dummie, "I'm getting older you skank, I should be in bed by 7."

"Oh I- I mean what lies??" I said trying to keep up this meaningless facade that I am in now way a lying little tramp.

"You know what lies I mean, y/n. I know everything that happens in my own god damn house."

He shook his head, "we'll discuss this further tomorrow. And you better stop fucking lying, or I will leave you in a shallow ditch." he said finally walking away

I gulped.

I closed the door and practically vibrated towards my bed. 'We'll discuss this further tomorrow' his voice lingered in my mind.
I tried to get some sleep, but for most of the night I stared blankly at the ceiling, creating every possible scenario that could happen next time I saw Gordon.

Fuck I'm in twouble úwù

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