Im on my way

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Authors note~
Hey all you Kawalski nekos awoo!! This story needs more edge so here you go lol 😜 XD enjoy owo~~


Everything was a painful cadmium hue as I slowly got up from a hard slab floor. I clutched my forehead as I took in what was happening.
Rubbing below my brows, the redness dissipated and I realised my eyes were firmly shut. I kept my hand over my view as I slowly opened up my eyes. The redness must have come from the blearing light that was seeping through the cracks between my fingers.

I used this time to realise how hard my heart was beating against my chest, I could practically hear it bursting out of my ear drums.
"H-hello? Anyone there..?" I groaned out, my throat sore and parched.


Or so I believed.

As my heart rate slowed, and my hearing gradually came back to me, I started to hear something. It was a faint sound, but still a sound that if you heard it at night, it would prevent you from reaching a peaceful slumber.

It sounded like.. Breathing..?

No.. Not quite..

More like gurgling than breathing, but still breathing nonetheless..

Perhaps a mixture of gurgling and wheezing.. Yes, that's more like it..

After a long while, curiosity got the better of me, and I began prying my hand away from my face. The light bleared down on me, obstructing my vision. The rays pierced through me and ripped through my brain. I winced in agony, looking down to the floor in hopes that the light would be less intense in this position. It was fairly effective.

A minute passed and I was sure my eyes had adjusted to the light. Looking up, I jumped. I was in a fairly large room. The walls were a clean white and the ground was a smooth marble. Above me was a blinding light, And through blotches of remaining white in my vision, I saw a figure, directly in front of me. I squinted my eyes, using all my will power to figure out who it was.

Oh crap..

The blotches faded, revealing.. me..

I shook my head, this can't be right.

It was me.. only, I was laying on the floor in what looked to be a red dress. I don't recall ever seeing this dress before, I certainly couldn't pay for something as fancy as that.

Just then I recalled the wheezy gurgling sound, it was coming from her, or I guess from me. I looked up from her dress and locked eyes with her hands clutching onto her neck. Crimson was leaking from her grasp, and looking up even more, it was leaking out of her mouth as well, gaping as though she were a fish out of water.

Her eyes looked at me in panic, pleading for help. I sat, paralysed from fear and confusion.

She started opening and shutting her mouth, clearly trying to say something, but she only managed to make the now petrifying gurgling noises louder, while also creating the ever growing pool of blood brimming around her larger and larger.

I shook my head in disbelief, not quite sure how to process the situation. Her eyes were getting more and more clouded the more I watched. My pulse was uncontrollably rapid and I was now coated in a thick sheen of sweat as I tried my hardest to get the fuck out of wherever I was.

My eyes began to overflow with tears at this point. I felt sick to my stomach as the body in front of me convulsed in pain and shock. Just then I saw a glint in the girls eyes, they raced up and down the room as if she were trying to show me something while also keeping a firm hold on her wounded self.

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