Taste test 👁👅👁

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Y/N's pov -

I probably should have considered bolting out of this hellhole right after that encounter with Ramsay, but the bed was just too comfy and I fell asleep in a matter of seconds ú~ù.

"Rise and shine dickward!" I was jolted awake by the feeling of wet and cold, Ramsay had emptied a bucket of ice water on me!!
I screamed from the shock and bolted upwards. My head seared from the sudden blood rush to my brain and I winced in pain. "The hell was that for?" I shouted, before painfully smacking my mouth closed in regret. "I mean!! Good morning chef!!" You twembled.

"Did you seriously go to sleep with that damn hat on??" Ramsay spoke again.

I felt for my ears but was relieved to find I was still wearing my hat like he said. It's embarrassing.. but at least he wouldn't know I was a cute lil kitty becuase cute lil kitties are always picked on in wattpad fanfictions even though literally everybody on the internet likes cat girls.

"I- uh- sorry.. sorta passed out before I could take it off.."

Haha yeah.. that's why..

"Whatever you ninny, time to get up. You start cooking at 9." Gordon grumbled with his wheezy morning voice.

Just cough, dude.. I thought to myself as I begrudgingly got out of bed and entered my personal bathroom. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and began brushing my teeth. Ugh.. I really hope I get used to this..

I spat out the remaining minty foam in my gob and looked up at the clock that was resting on a windowsill. 8:30?? Damn I got to get in that shower quick!!

28 minutes had passed and I finally exited the bathroom, whew! That was a close one!

I put on a bandana, making sure my ears were covered, and set off downstairs.

"Aw right on time, and I was over here hoping I would get to punish you with another ice bath." He said, hopefully in a joking matter.
He clapped his hands, signalling the beginning of the first task.
"Well then, come over here and put this on." He held up a blind fold, smorking òwó.
I tilted my head questionably.
"Don't give me that look," he grumbled, "we're doing a blind taste test to see how good that little palette of yours is.".
He jostled the blindfold impatiently and I quickly took that as my cue to get over there and do as he says.
"Here you are." He smiled, beginning to wrap the bandana around my head.
He was surprisingly delicate, making sure he didn't tie the knot too tight, and every time he pulled, he made sure to ask me if it was too much, it made me bwush úwù.
"There, all done. You can't see anything can you?" Gordon said, resting a hand on my shoulder in case I wondered off. I tried looking around, nope still pitch black. Shaking my head I replied back with a shy "no sir.".

I stood as still as I could manage, listening to all the clanking and rustling sounds Ramsay was making. What could he possibly be doing ówò??

After a long while however, I began to smell a strange concoction of smellis... some good smells,, and some.. more questionable than others.

"Right, we're going to start off easy." Ramsay spoke up, making the sound of metal on porcelain as he presumably scooped up something from a bowl.

"Say AAAAA" He commanded softly, to which I obliged. Awaiting my delicious treat, I overheard a gasp escape Gordon's old man lips, "Gaw Blimey Y/N! Your canines are immense! What are you, some kind of vampire??"

I immediately blushed bright red, it hadn't crossed my mind at all that humans don't have neko teeth.. my canines,, or what I like to call felines heenheen,, were always a lot longer and sharper than they should be..
"Aha,, Uhm,, yeah.. I'm a vampire!" I joked, trying to sound as normal as possible. I let out a sigh of relief when I heard him laugh, responding with a "whatever, open up then.", followed by a cold spoonful of something fishy being shoved in my mouth.

"Roe. Without a doubt." I spoke as soon as I swallowed the eggy goodness. I loved the way they popped in my mouth uwu. So slimy and delicious >:^3. It was a popular choice in the cat cafe, customers would put it on their crackers or on sushi as they watched cute kittens rolling around in the cat pen. Plus it was always a good idea to smell like fish when you play, then you'll be the most popular guy on the pen.

"Well done, your palette is better than I thought." Gordon praised me.
"Next one, open wide."

I opened my mouth enthusiastically and was met with a large lump of something musky and dirty. The slight oaky nuttiness was rather delectable though. I racked my brain for any sort of answer to what it might be, but my mind regrettably was drawing a whopping blank.
"I-I'm Sorry chef.. I'm not quite sure I've ever tasted something like this before."

"Ouch. I'll let that slide since it's quite an expensive treat. What you just tasted was a truffle." Gordon said in a slightly disappointed manner.

My eyebrows raised in shock, truffles?? I've only dreamt of what they may taste like. The media has made it out to be some sort of right of passage for the wealthy, I wasn't quite sure why people pay so much for it however.
"You owe me 60 quid for that bite, by the way."
Gordon added.

I stifled a gasp at that. I just knew I was going to be in horrible debt after this.

"Right then, open your gob."

Again and again, I opened up and munched on what he had to offer. After a long while however it dawned on me that I wasn't very up to date on my palette. Admittedly, I haven't really had to chance to try new things, What with my busy schedule and lack of money, but I was getting every single guess wrong, and it was obvious that Gordon was getting pissed.

"Remind me again why I brought you here? Because I'm starting to think I've invited a total knobhead junkie to stay in my mansion." Gordon spat, clearly annoyed by my total lack of culinary knowledge.
"You were off to such a good start but you've just spiralled since then. Absolutely appalling."

Tears brimmed in my shaded eyes, holding back a whimper I replied quietly,
"I-I'm Sorry chef.. I want to learn all these new flavours, I really do! I've just never had the chance to till now! I've only ever eaten what has been available to me! Back in the orphanage we would just eat Tesco meal deals and even at the cat cafe I'd only taste what I was cooking! Which was mostly just cucumber sandwiches! Which incidentally resulted in me getting quite a few complaints when they found bite marks in their food.." I paused for a breath of air, finally realising how long I was going on for. My breath quivered for fear that I might get kicked out,
"P-please, give me time to learn these new ingredients. I won't let you down a second time, I promise."
I made sure to cross my fingers at that part, I wasn't ready to break a promise(I don't want to be cursed!!
ù~ú), as I knew I would make mistakes along the way, but I wanted Gordon's total faith in me, and telling him that may jostle him a bit, and I didn't want that at all úwù!!!

Gordon stood silent for a long while. With my eyes still tightly covered up, all I could do was wait for his response. The silence was like torture hng!!!

Finally, after a good full minute, he spoke.

"Alright. I'll let you live another day."

I let out a breath of relief and gave my many thanks.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Clean yourself up, you're sweating like mad and you're gonna stain my hardwood floor." He dismissed me, undoing my blindfold as he spoke.

The light was blinding for a short while, but I soon regained my senses. I nodded appreciatively at Gordon and then ran to my room to have shower!!!

It's Nya | Gordon Ramsay x Neko! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now