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Don't ask Yoongi why, but he was currently walking with two other omegas to Starbucks. They had insisted he didn't spend a lot of time with them since the comeback was coming closer day by day. Namjoon was with Hoseok at the company's building while Seokjin had gone to the gym along with the maknae.

The youngers were walking in front of him, laughing their asses off something Taehyung said. The rapper didn't really want to join the conversation, so instead he put one of his earbuds inside his ear while he pretended to listen to what they were saying. 

Regarding the matter of their ranks, the alphas were still getting used to Yoongi being an omega. They still needed to claim him as a part of their 'pack' with his 'new' rank, because they hadn't had much free time with their busy schedule. It was different when the older was an alpha, because he used music as an excuse, even tough he was part of the pack, and was always trying to distance himself from the others so they wouldn't discover his secret.

Of course, at the time, the real reason was to hide his real identity to the others. The thing is, his parents were two alphas, and they couldn't accept the fact that their younger son was an omega. So they treated him like he wasn't their son for years, until Yoongi decided to leave the house and pursue his dream.

The three men finally entered the café, a bell ringing announced new customers. They went in a far corner of the large room since they didn't want people to recognize them. Yoongi proposed to go order the drinks so he walked up to the counter. He made sure to lower the cap he was wearing when it was his turn to order.

While Yoongi was struggling to bring the beverages safely to the table, Jimin and Taehyung were having the time of their lives watching their poor hyung in an impossible situation.

He finally sat down while exhaling deeply as the others were still laughing.

"Oh shut up will you." This only made them more hysterical, and the older couldn't help but smile.

Jimin was waving them goodbye as he was heading for the the gym to join Jungkook and Seokjin. The youngest had promised to take out the omega for dinner, to make up for the lack of time the spent together.

Yoongi and Taehyung continued to walk towards the dorm. Fortunately for the older, Taehyung knew that he was a man of a few words, so he kept quiet and was looking at the displays in the different shops.

The two finally arrived and made sure to hang their coats so Seokjin wouldn't scold them. Taehyung hesitantly asked his hyung if he wanted to play video games with him, and surprisingly, he agreed to the request.

After some debating, they figured that Jungkook wouldn't mind if they played overwatch onto his large TV, so Taehyung proceeded to set the game. Yoongi only agreed to play because he knew his dongsaeng wanted to finally beat Jungkook. Indeed, the latter was constantly winning when he was playing against his hyung, and Taehyung wanted his revenge.

In the beginning, Taehyung had to explain the game to his hyung since the latter wasn't playing often, but the older quickly caught on. The two omegas where now shouting and cursing loudly at the screen. So far, Taehyung was winning, and Yoongi was determined to change that.

Half an hour later, Taehyung movements were getting slow and he was panting heavily, but Yoongi hadn't noticed yet since he was too focused on the game. It's only when Tae let his controller fall that the rapper turned to look at him.

He noticed that the younger's face was now red and that he had removed his shirt. His dongsaeng was now curled up in a ball on the ground and was tugging at his jeans while ragged breaths were still heard from him.

"What's wrong Tae?" Yoongi quickly forgot the game and came closer to him. Taehyung's hair were glued to his forehead from the sweat and his eyes were half closed as he looked at the other.

"I... I-think I'm in heat hyung..." Silence fell upon them as the rapper let the sentence sink in. He couldn't believe how unlucky he was. After a while he sighed deeply and helped Taehyung out of his pants. The younger was now only in his boxer, and a dark spot was on the thin fabric because of the slick the omega's body was producing.

"I should probably call one of the alphas-" He cut off by Taehyung's hand grabbing his wrist. He let out a needy whine as he forced Yoongi to sit back down.

"You can help me hyung... please..." The omega had come closer to him, and only a few inches were separating their lips. The younger was slowly sliding one of his hands down Yoongi's chest, and stopped above his crotch. Short puffs of air were escaping the older's lips as his eyes looked briefly at Taehyung's lips.

"I can't... Tae," He swallowed harshly before continuing, "I'm not part of the-" Once again, the needy omega cut him off by pressing his finger against the older's lips.

"I need you..." Taehyung slowly approached his mouth closer to his hyung's, and the latter made not attempt to stop him. Finally, warm engulfed them as their soft lips came in contact. 

Instantly, Taehyung slide his other hand on the back of Yoongi's head and deepened the kiss. The two men's arousals could be seen down bellow, as they both lost themselves to the pleasure. 

Suddenly, the door opened as Jimin and Jungkook entered the room, making the two break the kiss. The alpha's eyes immediately went dark as he witnessed a stranger kissing one of his omegas. His instinct had took over and he was now taking large strides towards Yoongi.

"Jungkook Stop!" The cry was ignored as the maknae took the rapper by the throat and slammed him into the nearest wall. A primitive growl came from him saw he watched Yoongi scratching at his hand to try to break free from his deathly grip. 

Jimin succeeded to push Jungkook, making him stumble and at the same time release Yoongi, who fell on the ground with a loud thud. The omega was breathing harshly while holding his neck. He slid down the wall and laid on the ground as his sight was filled with dark spots.

The last thing he witnessed was Jimin talking to him franticly before he fell unconscious.

I think I mentioned that I have a weak spot for angst... Anyway, here's another chapter for you my lovelies. Vote or comment if you liked it, and see you next time! Bye bye!


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