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The past few days, all the members were preparing themselves for the upcoming comeback of the group. Unfortunately, They were still not talking to Yoongi, who was currently living at his studio. Even Namjoon, the leader of the group, couldn't bring himself to forgive him for what he did, or rather didn't do.

The oldest rapper made his way to the practice room where they were gonna get over one of the new choreographies. When he entered the laughter of his members died down as he walked into the room. He casted his eyes down while they were mumbling in the back and glaring at him.

The choreographer broke the tense atmosphere by announcing the beginning of the practice. Fortunately, the members act like they did usually in front of the man. Well, not like they talked to him anyway.

At one moment though, Yoongi tripped over his own feet while trying to do the new dance move. Instead of helping him, Hoseok, who was beside him left him on the ground. His current hatred for the rapper made him crouch beside him before approaching his face close to his ear.

"You could at least do your best instead of failing every time." The words spoken left Yoongi speechless as Hoseok returned to his original position, resuming practice.

So, Yoongi passed the rest of the practice drowned in his own thoughts, and before he knew it, it was time to go back home. 

He shut the door of his studio behind him before shallow breaths began escaping his mouth. He slid down the door to the floor and sobbed into his hands. He felt so lonely.

He barely talked to his brother these days, the only member of his family who actually cared for him. He felt like the whole world was against him. After awhile, he was finally able to push his feelings aside and sat at his desk to continue to work on his songs. 

On the screen of his computer, you could see the reflection of the rapper. Prominent bags showed under his cat-like eyes and his skin looked paler then usual. He was not a master of looking after himself, so he probably slept for twenty-four hours in total this week. 

On top of that, he didn't even noticed anymore the pain in his stomach eating his insides since his last proper meal had been four days ago. 

An hour later, the rapper had completed the song he was working on, it was only missing the vocals. He took his phone to scroll a bit down his twitter feud. His heart clench when he saw that his members had took a picture together at the dorm and posted it on their main channel. A lump form in his throat when he remembered Hoseok's words earlier that day.

Without him realizing, tears had started to escape his eyes and were cascading down his cheeks before falling on his shirt. He started to sob as he brought his legs up and hugging them close to his chest.

His thoughts drifted to Jimin, whom he probably hurt when he left the room, leaving him to go through his heat alone. 

Suddenly, a sharp pain erupted in his stomach. He clenched it tightly and a choked sob racked his body, making it even more painful. He rocked himself back and forth on his chair, hoping that it would pass. But it didn't.

The rapper got out of his chair before practically crawling towards his bag settled on the couch pushed against the wall. He rummaged through the it's content before he felt the colors being drained from his face. He clutched the empty white bottle as his mouth hung slightly open.

He forgot to refill the bottle of suppressant for his heat.

As if on cue, his skin started to get warmer and he felt slick pooling between his asscheeks, making him cringe in discomfort.

He quickly grabbed his bag and made sure to save his work on his computer before shutting the door of his studio behind him. He opened the door on the driver's side and climbed into his car, throwing his bag on the backseat.

Since he was too focused on his negative thoughts, he only gathered his surroundings when he parked his car in front of the dorm. He grabbed his things and climbed the steps to the front door in a hurry. The cool wind blowing outside didn't even affect the heat he felt anymore.

The sound of the door shutting made a loud noise as Yoongi entered the dorm and quickly removed his shoes. He practically ran towards the bathroom, dropping his belongings on the couch while passing by.

He began to draw a cold bath and took off his clothes. He immediately felt relief as the coldness of the room nipped at his bare skin. He climbed into the bath and let out a content sigh. He let his head fall back to lay on the edge of the bathtub and wiggled his toes who poked out of the water.

The cool water satisfied him for the moment, but the omega knew his heat would only get worse. He felt tears prickle at the corner of his eyes.

It has been two hours since Yoongi climbed into the bathtub, and he had refilled the latter three times since then. The rapper was now muttering incoherent words, as he turned his head side to side with his eyes closed. The burning desire of an alpha filling him was nipping at his core.

The sound of a door slamming shut interrupted his delusion. He heard his members laughing in the other room, both the rough sound of the alphas's voices appeared clear as day to him. The heat he felt amplified ten folds and he wiggled around in the bathtub.

"Alpha, please..." Soft moans and needy whines started to escape the omega's mouth as he shut his eyes once again, the image of one of the alphas laying on top of him filling his clouded mind.

He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't noticed the door of the bathroom opening and a shocked Seokjin looking at him.

"What the fuck?!"

Hello! Here's another update! I hope I described Yoongi's heat alright. If you liked this chapter don't hesitate to vote or comment what you liked about it. Have a good week!


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