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This week, the boys had been really busy since they had to practice a lot for their upcoming concert in Japan. Since the events that took place, the alphas unfortunately did not have the time to claim the oldest omega. Although they were trying to spend more time with him, for all the members it felt like something was missing, even the two other omegas.

Yoongi was currently had a backpack hanging on his shoulders as the boy band walked in the airport, preparing themself for the boarding. Fortunately, they weren't that many fans who were waiting for their appearance, and they were well guarded by the bodyguard close by.

Two hours later, the men had climbed into the airplane with fatigue showing in their features. Yoongi sat beside the window as Seokjin took place beside him, while Jimin and Jungkook were sitting behind them. On the other hand, Namjoon was sitting with Taehyung on the other side while Hoseok was on his own. ( Sorry Hobi, I'll make it up to youuu!)

Even though it clearly wasn't his first time taking the plane, the sight of the ground slowly slipping away was still breathtaking. Seokjin secretly watch the rapper at the corner of his eye while pretending to read. 

Yoongi slept for the most part of the flight, the sleepy man finally being able to rest. Seokjin had asked a flight attendant for a blanket and had drapped it across the smaller's frame. He mentally cooed at the cute picture, since Yoongi was hugging his knees to his chest with his mouth slightly open.

The oldest member had to scold the maknae since he was constantly laughing with Jimin, though it didn't last long when the guilty male showed him a funny video, which made Seokjin's windshield laugh make an appearance.

On the left side of the plane, Namjoon had his arm protectively wrapped across Taehyung's shoulders with his head laying on top of the other's. The two were sleeping soundly with the younger curled into the rapper's side. And Hoseok, let's just say he secretly wanted cuddles too.

Some time along the flight, Yoongi began to whimper in his sleep as he squirmed a bit. Seokjin guessed that his dongsaeng was having a bad dream, so he lowered the armrest which was separating the seats and brought Yoongi into his warm embrace.

The omega subconsciously snuggled closer into his hyung's chest and sighed in content, his soft snores resuming. Seokjin cooed silently at the sight and he could swear his insides turned into jelly from the cuteness overload.

Eventually, the members were woken up by a flight attendant since they were about to land. Jimin felt reluctant when Jungkook urged him to look through the window, the maknae forgetting momentarily his hyung's motion sickness. (I wasn't sure if motion sickness also applied to airplanes )

Yoongi cat shaped eyes slowly opened as he looked at his surroundings in a daze. The male beside him chuckled at his behavior.

"We just landed Yoongi-ah, excited?" The latter groaned and threw his head back on the headrest while the others were getting out of their seats. The oldest ended up carrying Yoongi's backpack as they got out of the plane, the rapper looking like he just woke up from hibernation. 

The older omega let himself fall in the double bed with a sight. They just arrived at the hotel they were gonna stay in and all the members were exhausted. Yoongi was sharing a room with Hoseok while Seokjin was with Taehyung and Jungkook was with Jimin. This time, the leader was chosen as the one staying on his own.

Hoseok was unpacking different things from his suitcase and Yoongi watched him from the corner of his eyes. A question came to his mind.

"Hobi?" The said man hummed as he continued to his actions.

"When will I be your omega?"The question startled the alpha a bit, and he stopped what he was doing to go sit down next to Yoongi's frame. He started to caress Yoongi's hair softly as he looked at him.

"You're already our omega baby, but it's just that we currently haven't find the time to do such since we have a busy schedule. But it doesn't mean that we love you any less than Taehyung and Jimin." Although Hoseok had reassured him, he still felt quite insecure, and the other male sensed that.

He motioned Yoongi to lay his head on his lap, and so he did, with Hoseok still running his hand through the omega's hair. The alpha bent down to kiss the top of his head and whispered sweet nothings into the older's ear.

Yoongi felt so much smaller now, laid across his dongsaeng's lap. He sighed in content and he started to feel sleepy again. The latter chuckled and tickled his hyung's sides, making him yelp in surprise.

"Don't fall asleep on me now, hyung." Hoseok told him that their manager allowed the band to go visit the city tonight. Yoongi felt reluctant as heard the soft bedsheets calling him. But he finally gave in after the alpha peppered him with kisses. 

It was 8 o'clock as the seven men walked into the lively streets of Japan. Yoongi was almost glued to Hoseok's side since he felt the presence of the alpha comforting. The older rapper was disappointed that he couldn't hold his hand because of the paparazzis watching his every moves.

The boys ended up in an arcade which was surprisingly opened at the hours, and they had a good time playing the various games. On his part, Yoongi preferred watching the maknae line, especially Taehyung and Jungkook, compete against another.

The omega felt content, watching his embers laugh with each others and enjoying their time together. Somehow, he locked eyes with Hoseok who was watching him, and Yoongi couldn't help but let his gummy smile appear.

He had been through many hardships the last couple of years, going through depression and anxiety, but was ever so grateful towards his members for always being by his side whatever happened.

He walked the distanced that separated him from the sunshine like male and hugged him tightly, hiding his face in the man's chest. This left Hoseok surprise, but he quickly hugged back, smiling brightly.

Hi everyone, sorry for the late update! My exams are coming up and I have a lot of stuff to deal with. Anyway, vote or comment if you enjoyed this chapter and see you next week!


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