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Yoongi's mind slowly woke up as constant buzzing harassed his sensitive ears. After some time, the buzzing turned into the shapes of voices, which were franticly speaking.

"It's all my fault, I almost killed him!" Sobs were heard along with more soft toned voices.

"Don't say that Kookie, you weren't in your right mind. We need to do something about that though." The rapper wanted to open his eyes, but it felt as if a ton of bricks were on them. Instead, he tried to recognized the voices who spoke up.

"You're right. We need to claim him as our omega, we waited long enough." Yoongi immediately labeled it as Hoseok. He couldn't possibly make a mistake since he knew the members for so long.

He suddenly felt a warm hand brushing some of his hair away from his face, which made him lean into the touch. As soon as the hand left his skin, the older whined in protest.

"Look, he's awake!" He felt the presence of a few people gathering around him, and he tried to open his eyes once again. Luckily, he was finally able to meet the concern look of Seokjin, who's face was above his own. The alpha shrieked upon seeing Yoongi's eyes suddenly opened.

The rapper tried to say something but only rasps were coming from his throat. He raised a hand so he could tough the said body part, and he immediately flinched when he touched the Adam's apple. Memories from earlier flashed in his mind and tears welled up in his eyes.

"oh sweetie, it's okay, you're safe now." Seokjin was sitting on the edge of the bed beside Yoongi, so he leaned some more so he could hugged the fragile omega. The latter proceeded to cry into the older's shoulder.

"I-I'm...," His voice came out raspy and quiet, but he was able to finish," sorry..." The alpha frowned upon hearing that.

"You don't have to be sorry for anything Yoongi, it's not your fault." Seokjin still felt a bit angry at Jungkook for hurting the omega, but he knew the latter's instinct took over too quickly for him to control.

Yoongi cried some more, feeling safer in the strong embrace of the alpha. He looked up from his shoulder to look around the room, and he noticed that only Jimin, Hoseok, Seokjin and Jungkook were in the room. He then remembered that Taehyung was in heat and he figured Namjoon was taking care of him in another room.

Hoseok was leaning against the wall on Yoongi's side of the bed, while Jimin was rubbing his hand back and forth Jungkook's back, who was sitting on a chair in the corner with his elbows on his thighs and his head hanged low.

The omega raised his free arm and pointed at the younger alpha.

"Jung... Jungkookie." The man raised his head slightly when he heard his name, and Yoongi noticed his tears stained cheeks.

"He wants to see you, Kook." It took some time and a lot of encouragements from Jimin to get Jungkook on his feet, slowly approaching Yoongi. He finally kneeled at the side of it and grabbed  the omega's hand with such care, as if it was made with glass. The maknae raised tears filled to look at his hyung. 

"I'm so sorry hyung," his voice cracked as he sniffled a little before continuing,"I didn't know what I was doing. My mind went blank! I know it's not an excuse but-" He cut his speech short when Yoongi placed his hand on the man's cheek. He gently smiled at the younger.

"I-I know... it's not... your fault, Kookie..." Seokjin sat back as Yoongi raised in a sitting position, before leaning down to kiss Jungkook. The youngest kissed him back as relief flooded through him and a single tear escaped his eye. After a while, the omega pulled away.

"I... I forgive you."

After Yoongi had forgiven Jungkook, the other members hugged the short male tightly, glad that he was okay. They would discuss the 'claiming' matter later since the omega was still recovering from what happened earlier that day. 

Jimin, Hoseok and Seokjin left the two alone in the room, since Jungkook still wanted to comfort Yoongi because guilt hadn't left his heart yet. 

The maknae asked the omega to give some room on the bed. He slid under the covers beside the older and motioned him over. Jungkook opened his arms as he scooted over and felt the younger's strong arms embrace him.

If Yoongi felt slightly scared when Jungkook came closer to him earlier, right now he feel any safer in the warm embrace. The omega snuggled further into the alpha's chest and felt considerably smaller with the boy's body practically engulfing him.

Yoongi turned over so he was now facing Jungkook. The younger had his eyes closed with some hairs falling over his eyes, making him look like in an angel in Yoongi's eyes. The moment of contemplation was over though when Jungkook opened his eyes, feeling someone watching him.

"Staring aren't we?" He teased the omega. The latter's cheeks turned red as huffed.

"M'not, you had something on your face!" The alpha chuckled at the statement.

"Oh yeah? Care to show me?" Yoongi gulped before brushing the strand of hair out of the boy's sight. Jungkook caught his wrist as he was about to remove his hand, slowly moving his face closer to his hyung's.

He felt Yoongi's warm breath fanned over his lips before he closed the gap between them, pressing their lips together gently. They moved in sync as Jungkook released his grip on the omega's wrist, which gave the latter the opportunity to grab the younger's hair. 

It was as if electricity was coursing through their veins, and the gentle kiss turned into an heated make out session. Without breaking the kiss, Jungkook hovered Yoongi's thin frame, making the older slip into a more submissive headspace with the large body trapping him on the bed.

After a couple of minutes, Jungkook detached their lips and a string of saliva connected the two mouths. The omega snuggled into the alpha's chest as sleep slowly took them to dreamland.

Yeah... No smut for today guys, sorry! Anyways vote or comment if you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you have a nice week! Bye!


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