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Yoongi panted as he got off the stage, still feeling the high he always experienced in front of his dear armys. The fact that there were so much people listening to their music and loving each of them never failed to impress the rapper.

He stopped in his tracks as he looked around the dressing room, the staff activating themselves to help his members. Taehyung and Jungkook were goofing around with Jimin while he sat in a chair, and Seokjin was laughing about something Hoseok showed him on his phone, on the couch. On the other hand, Namjoon was scrolling on his phone at the other side of the room, probably checking if their fans enjoyed the show.

Young could feel his heart clench into his chest as tears welled up in his eyes. He started from the bottom and climbed to the top, with the help of his bandmates, his family. Together they were practically sitting on top of the world, but he knew the fame would not get to his head. He recalled all too well his hardships.

Taehyung shouting his name brought him back to reality, and he smiled while making his way towards the younger, saying something about respecting his hyungs.

The omegas were cuddled on the floor with a blanket drapped over their bodies, as they rested their back on the couch behind them. Namjoon started the movie and sat beside Seokjin on the couch, the latter laying his head on Hoseok's shoulder, settled on his left side. 

For once, Jungkook decided to sit in the modern recliner, discreetly keeping a close eye on the three men on the floor. As the youngest Alpha, his instincts were much more enhanced and had more difficulty controlling his emotions.

Half an hour into the movie, Yoongi was starting to drift into sleep when a loud scream was heard behind him. The youngers flanking his sides jumped in fright, but the rapper was left unfazed as he slowly turned around, only to see hoseok clutching onto Seokjin as if his life was in danger.

"So much for an alpha..." Yoongi mumbled, but Jimin and Taehyung heard and chuckled quietly, muffling the sounds with their hands. Unfortunately for him, Jungkook's sensitive ears definitely heard what he said.

"What did you just say, baby boy." His deep tone made Young shiver and lower his gaze on the floor. He couldn't deny the fact that he got slightly aroused. Luckily, the scent wasn't so strong and the alphas around couldn't detect it.

"N-nothing." The air was tense for a moment, as Yoongi shut his eyes close, waiting for something to happen. During this time, the other members pretended to watch the movie, even though they were restless. 

"Alright then." The powerful aura that was engulfing the omega was slowly removing itself, making him breathe correctly again. He peaked over Jimin's frame to glance at the young alpha, only to meet his hot gaze looking back at him. 

The older quickly sat back and gulped, trying to focus on the screen ahead of him, still feeling a pair of eyes watching him closely.

Yoongi woke up enveloped in a pair of strong arms. Soft puffs of air were blowing on the back of his neck as he slowly opened his eyes to look at his surroundings. He saw Hoseok laying beside him, his abdomen rising in a peaceful rhythm, while Seokjin had an arm wrapped around the younger's waist, spooning him. 

With much difficulty, he managed to turn around on the other side and was faced with no other than Jungkook's toned, bare chest. Yoongi's pale cheeks turned a crimson and he raised himself up with his arm.

Namjoon was sleeping back to back with Jungkook, as soft snores were heard from him. Suddenly, the maknae groaned and tightened his grip around Yoongi, bringing him much closer to his chest. The omega sighed and let himself relax in the strong, comforting hold, letting sleep taking him to dream land.

Last night, and Yoongi wasn't expecting it, the four alphas marked him as their omega. Now, he really felt like a part of their 'relationship'. For the time being, Jimin and Taehyung had slept in a room apart, since they didn't need to claim Yoongi.

Although, the two omegas would have plenty of occasions to pleasure their hyung in the future. 

It was almost midday when the boys finally awoken from their slumber. They were joined in the kitchen by Jimin and Taehyung, who looked like they also had a rough night. Hoseok settled on helping Jin cook dinner as the others sat at the table.

Yoongi was about to draw a chair, when Jungkook, who sat beside, suddenly pulled him onto his lap, forcing the older omega to adjust his position. It seemed like the younger alpha felt really attached to him since last night, and Young knew their bond had grown stronger.

While Yoongi's cheeks were turning red from the close proximity and the body heath coming from the maknae, Taehyung's laugh caught his attention. 

He raised his head to see what was so funny, and saw that Hoseok had pulled Jimin on his lap, after he was finished helping Jin. The omega was startled and was gripping both armrest for support as Taehyung, who sat on Namjoon's strong thighs was giggling.

After the oldest set the plates on the table, the boys started digging in their plates as Seokjin took a seat, smiling at the sight. 

Jungkook insisted he fed Yoongi, as he brought spoonful after spoonful towards the male's plump lips. Surprisingly, this morning's breakfast was quiet as they focused on filling their stomachs with the delicious food.

"So," Seokjin said between to bites of his French toast," Is it good?" 

The others were quick to agree as they nodded their heads. After having eaten like pigs, the boys took a minute to rest, Jimin rubbing his belly as he whined.

"Too much food~" They burst into laughter upon hearing this, but they couldn't agree more. 

Yoongi was confident that in the future, he would have more mornings like these, where he would listen to the funny stories of his members or share their painful memories. 

He felt complete now, not hiding his true self anymore, and having such amazing lovers and friends. 

He was their omega.

The End~

Thank you all for the wonderful support on this story. Maybe some of you are wondering why I'm ending this so suddenly, but the book was centered around Yoongi being revealed as an omega, and what came with it.

I didn't plan on ending it so soon, but I realized that the boys finally claiming him as theirs was the final part. 

Again, thank you for the support, and look out for more stories to come in the future ;) 


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