4. A sad time

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My art. This chapter is not only another part of the story, but also a small gift. For who? Well, for those who are getting bullied at school and are having a hard time with life. I know how you feel, I can relate. I'm sorry if you're getting bullied or you feel lonely... Or perhaps you lost someone important to you, I promise you things will get better. You can text me if you want if you want to get something off your chest, I'm here for you. ♥ Enjoy the chapter!

No one's POV:

Tord shot up from his bed and sat up, shaking and gasping from waking up from the nightmare he just had. He hugged himself, close to crying as he tried to calm down. He closed his eyes so he didn't have to look around his room.

Tord needed someone to talk to. He felt terrified. He thought about the old days when he was still at school. Yes, Tord did go to school. His parents and the teachers always told other kids to be nice to Tord, to help him when he needed it and to support him. Though, the kids never listened. Tord was at school for not even a month. He was happy to be homeschooled now.

Tord still remembered that month, though. The bullies, loud noices, all that yelling and stress. Kids kept kicking him off his wheelchair and then they began riding in it, not letting Tord take it back.

Tord grabbed his phone, hoping to find that his dear online friend was online. He immediately started typing.

N0RSK1: Hey, are you awake? Please, I need to talk to you

He waited for an answer. Though, he wasn't getting one. So he just waited, hugging one of his pillows close, shivering in cold and fear. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. He wasn't sure if he was having a panic attack, but if he was, it was really scary. And then, he heard a ding and he looked at the screen.

PineappleBoi: Hey, what's up? Are you alright?

N0RSK1: I had a nightmare.. It was a bad one

PineappleBoi: Really? What was it about?

Tord started typing, but he couldn't seem to find the right words to explain the dream and the terror and fear he was in. Him sweating, crying and shaking also wasn't helping. Plus the fact that he couldn't breathe very well.

N0RSK1: It was from when I was in school..

PineappleBoi: Well, yeah. The school was a nightmare, so glad it's over

N0RSK1: ...

Tord, now a bit calmer, shook his head, knowing this friend of his probably wouldn't understand the pain he went through. School itself was a nightmare, but just imagine if you also had to be in a wheelchair, if you were not able to control a language everyone around you spoke, if you didn't have any kind of support at school and felt insecure and in danger all the time. Not so fun, huh?

PineappleBoi: What? Ain't that true?

N0RSK1: Not saying it's not..

PineappleBoi: There's something more to this, isn't there?

N0RSK1: Mhm

PineappleBoi: Well then, what is it?

Doubts filled Tord's mind. 'Should I really tell him? I don't even know his name.. We know each other for a really short amount of time, should I trust him?' Tord couldn't decide, but in the end decided he would risk it. But he wanted to make it simple.

N0RSK1: School was hell, all those mean people.. And if they were not mean, they were ignoring everything that was going on around me.

PineappleBoi: What do you mean?

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