10. God, that smile!

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(Wow, that's an old drawing-) Hi, everyone! Guess who decided to write a chapter with no motivation again?  >:,3 Tbh, I only decided to write this chapter, because I felt a bit forced to. Oh well, enjoy, I guess. I got inspired by the time I facetimed with mah girl for the first time  :3

Nobody's POV:

Tom and Tord got closer every single day. They called and texted all the time and both of them enjoyed it. When they weren't together, they just spent their time thinking about the other one, because they seriously missed each other. And they hated being seperated.

Days turned to months. It has been months since they met and things started changing. For Tord, at least. Tord noticed he missed Tom more and more every day. He texted him at three AM instead of sleeping. His heart beat faster whenever he heard Tom's voice.

Tord absolutely loved Tom's laugh, it was adorable to him. Tord thought this was completely normal between best friends. He kept talking about Tom to his parents. He told them how he adored Tom and how happy he was that they were friends.

His parents knew it was probably something...a little more than just friendship, but decided not to tell him. They wanted to give him time to realize it. One day, Tom woke up outside. He was stargazing last night and accidentally fell asleep there. He heard his phone vibrate.

He grabbed it, noticing he had new messages from Tord. He sighed and rolled his eyes playfully, chuckling. He started typing a responce.

N0RSK1: Hello, Tom!

PineappleBoi: Morning, Tord. Hru?

N0RSK1: I'm alright. You?

PineappleBoi: Same here.

N0RSK1: Wanna call?

Tom thought for a while. Yesterday, an idea came to his mind. He still didn't know how Tord looked and Tord didn't know how Tom looked. They knew each other quite well already and so...

PineappleBoi: Actually, how about we facetime?

Tord felt his heart skip a beat. Blood rushed to his cheeks and he started burning up and sweating. He didn't know, what to say. Should he accept? Or refuse? Did he really want Tom to see his "ugly" face?

N0RSK1: ...

PineappleBoi: It's okay if you don't wanna

N0RSK1: ...Promise you won't laugh at my ugly face.

PineappleBoi: What!? Of course I won't! And I'm sure you look amazing

N0RSK1: Heh, I wish. But okay, I trust you.

PineappleBoi: Okay, let's do it

Tord waited for a few seconds until his phone started ringing. He took a breath and accepted the call. He placed his hand over his face, embarrassed and worried. "It worked! Hi, Tord!" He heard a familiar voice. "...Hi."

Tom frowned. "Hey, I promised I won't laugh. No need to be self-consious." Tord hesitated for a moment until he removed his hand from his red face. He looked directly at Tom, not saying a word. Tom's eyes widened and his cheeks went bright red.

They both stared at each other. Tord was sitting on his bed while Tom was outside. The sun was shining, the sky was bright blue. Tord thought Tom looked really cute like that, he couldn't stop blushing.

Tom grinned at Tord. "You look so adorable!" Tord tried to hide his blush and looked away. "T-thanks... You do too." Tom chuckled. "Nah." Tord looked back at him, smiling softly. He noticed Tom blushed a little more when he did so, but didn't think much of it.

"I really like your eyes, you know? I've never seen anything like it! Were you born with them?" Tord asked out of curiousity. "I don't like them, they scare people. And yeah." "Aww, come on! They look unique! You're special, Tom."

They kept on complimenting each other, both of them feeling more comfortable as time passed. They called for an hour, two hours, three, four whole hours. Tord couldn't stop smiling. His face was still red like a cherry, but was happy that they decided to facetime.

He was telling Tom about about his hobbies, but noticed Tom was pretty silent. "Tom, are you okay?" Tom went crimson red and groaned loudly. "God, that smile, stop!" Tord raised his eyebrow, confused. "What are you talking about?" "Your smile is so cute, like, oh my god."

Tord laughed. "My smile? Look at you! You're just adorable, I can't even." Tom shook his head. "Nooooo!" He said and started laughing. Tord joined him. The two boys really loved the other one's company.

Everything was fine until Tom said something that made Tord go silent. "We're kinda acting like a couple or something!" Tom was still laughing while Tord was left a little confused. "Couple?" Tom stopped laughing. "Yeah, pretty much."

Tord scratched the back of his neck. "I was never in a relationship before. I wonder what it's like when you fall for someone." Tord explained. Tom tilted his head. "You never dated anyone?" Tord shook his head in responce. "How's that possible? You're such an awesome guy!" Tom asked.

Tord shrugged. "I'm a weirdo." "No, you're not!" "Heh. You really don't know me as well as you think, Tom." Tom was confused. What was he trying to say by that? "What do you mean?" Tord hesitated if he should tell him. Did he trust him enough? He always asked himself that.

Tord stayed silent. Tom was just confused. "Do you mean something specific, Tord? Is there anything bothering you?" Tom asked, truly worried for his internet friend. Tord looked down, not saying a word.

Tom felt a disgusting feeling in his stomach, it made him feel nauseous. "Tord?" Everything went silent until he heard Tord sob. "Tord!?" Tord didn't dare to look at Tom. He was embarrassed. Did he really just start crying? Such a baby!

"Tord, are you okay? I'm sorry for asking!" Tom apologized, trying to calm him down. Tord didn't answer him. "You don't have to tell me, I'm not forcing you.." Tom said in a soothing voice. Tord looked up at Tom with tears and ended the call without even saying goodbye.

Tom was in shock. 'What have I done!? Maybe I seriously hurt his feelings!' He quickly started typing to tell Tord how sorry he was, but was not getting a responce from the boy.

PineappleBoi: Tord, I'm so sorry!

PineappleBoi: You don't have to tell me!

PineappleBoi: It's okay..

PineappleBoi: Tord?

PineappleBoi: Tord???

Tom was shaking. He didn't mean to hurt Tord. He was just curious, he didn't want to make him cry! Tord on the other side placed his phone down and cried, listening to all these notifications he was getting. But he didn't pick up, knowing it was Tom.

Tom didn't give up on Tord, though. He kept on telling him it was alright, that he was not forcing him to say it. He said he was sorry and that he wanted Tord to forget that he ever even asked. But he waited. For minutes. It felt like forever. Tord just ignored him.

His phone kept vibrating. He kept crying. Tom kept apologizing. And it was all because of that one question. Tord panicked, he didn't mean to burst into tears. He didn't want to make Tom guilty, but he was too afraid to pick up the phone.

The wheelchair next to Tord's bed was reminding Tord of who he was, that he wasn't "normal". And Tord wanted to hide it. Tord didn't want anyone to know how broken he actually was. Whether it was a stranger or his best friend...

Tom gave up after a few minutes. He hoped Tord would at least see later. He knew something was wrong with him and it worried him. He placed down his phone just as Tord finally picked it up. He stared at the spam, wiping away his tears.

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