26. A lil suprise

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Hey, y'all! Sorry to keep you waiting, I really did not have the motivation at all. And I just got back home from a week of vacation so I didn't have much time either. Forgive me qwq  Enough of my excuses, enjoy the short and not-so-eventful chapter, things are moving real fast!

No one's POV:

A whole year passed since Tom and Tord started dating. It's been tough, but with all the support from their friends and family, they got through it. Tord got better in pretty much everything. He gets happier every day, even if there are still things on his mind that are slowing him down. Though, today, he was having one of those bad mental health days.

He didn't talk to Tom that much lately and he felt really self-conscious all the time. He had trouble getting out of bed, and not only because of his legs. He spent days there, wrapped up in his blankets like a burrito. He usually slept these days off, but he couldn't fall asleep for the life of him.

Tom wouldn't leave his mind. He really missed him. 'Can you even miss someone you technically never even met?', Tord asked himself. Probably, because that was exactly what he was feeling at that moment.

Meanwhile in London, Tom was coming up with a great plan along with Edd and Matt. You see, they both helped him get enough money to finally go and see Tord. He was really excited, but didn't know if he should let Tord know about this. He wanted this to be a suprise, but he also didn't want to just disappear without any trace. He didn't want to worry his little norwegian boyfriend.

He was also scared of the fact that he didn't know much about Norway. So today, he was doing some research as to how it works there. He also didn't know if he should already move there or just go for a visit. Was he ready?

He wanted to go live with him, but would he even be able to? Where would he go? Would he stay with Tord and his parents and just get enough money to move out to their own house later on? Would his parents even like him?

He wanted to ask Tord, but didn't want to spoil the suprise. What if Tord got suspicious? Then, on the other hand, how else was he supposed to find out? He couldn't just search up 'Would my ldr boyfriend's parents let me move in?', right? Hah...unless?

In the end, he did ask Tord and all seemed good. He read many articles on how to properly move to another country and everything seemed fine. But he still wasn't completely sure. He really wanted to go and see Tord. He wanted to hold him close and never leave his side again.

Would everything work out? Would they be accepted? 'I mean, same-sex marriage is legal in Norway so at least he would be able to marry him-' Tom blushed to himself as that thought popped up in his head. One day, though... One day.

Tord's POV:

I groaned into my pillow. I've been trying to fall asleep for about two hours now, but the thoughts just won't leave me in peace. And by thoughts, I mean my gay self just won't stop imagining Tom smiling at me. I hear his soothing voice in my head, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

I blushed as I looked up at the ceiling. My whole room was dark since I had the curtains drawn. Darkness makes me tired, but I was wide awake. I grabbed my phone in defeat, sleeping won't help me right now, but Tom could.

N0RSK1: Hey, love?

PineappleBoi: Heyyy, what's up?

N0RSK1: Having a bad day and I can't sleep  T-T

PineappleBoi: Oh no! I'm sending all my hugs and kisses your way ♥

I smiled to myself. How can a short text trigger so many emotions in a person? I could never properly understand.

N0RSK1: Thanks, I really needed that

PineappleBoi: Anytime. Wanna talk about it?

N0RSK1: There's nothing to really talk about, I'm just in a bad mood for no reason

PineappleBoi: I feel that. Wanna call to cheer you up?

N0RSK1: Sure..

I smiled, feeling my cheeks stinging from both blushing and smiling so hard. Not even a second later, the 'Incoming call...' screen popped up. I answered the call.  "Hey, Tommie!" I heard a chuckle from the other side. "Heyyy~"

I got more comfortable on my bed, still smiling. "How are things going with you?" I asked. "Everything's cool! Getting better at Norwegian and I got a raise at work!" I grinned. "Det er flott!" "Ayyy I understand!"

We shared a quick laugh before he asked me how I'm doing, apart from today. "I'm doing just fine. Except I miss you literally all the time!""Aww, I miss you, too. But I promise it won't be long before we meet, sweetie." I smiled.

"And how long exastly is long?" He was silent for a while. "Uhh, I don't know.." He responded hesitantly. His usually positive and happy tone changing into an unsure one threw me off guard. "Are you okay, Tommie?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I was just wondering, uhh... If I were to actually come and visit you, would your parents even like me.?" I raised my eyebrow. "Oh Tom... They already love you. From everything I told them about you, they already wanna meet you!"

Tom's POV:

I smiled nervously, looking to the side at Edd and Matt who both had the "told ya" face. I blushed lightly. "But they never even really met me?" "Technically, I didn't either. And I still love you."

I smiled. "I love you too, Tordie." "Besides, who wouldn't love you? You're such a lovable person!" Edd giggled, whispering something to Matt before they laughed quietly. I glared at them quickly.

"I'm sure they'd even let you move in if you asked them to! They ship us a little more than I'd like to admit." Both of my roommates laughed harder. "I feel you so much." Tord giggled at my responce and I smiled again.

"You should tell him, Tom!" Edd whisper-yelled. I was about to refuse, but I stopped. "Tell me what?" Tord heard it. If I told him, I'd spoil the suprise, but if I didn't tell him I'd make him suspicious. Dammit, Edd.

"It's nothing important, I promise." I sent another glare towards Edd. "Are you sure? You can tell me if something's wrong." "Yes, I know, but this is really nothing important." "So you want it to be a sup-" I quickly covered Edd's mouth and shook my head.

"A what??" Tord was getting really confused. I sighed and got up. "Hang on, I'll just go to my room." I said as I was walking out the door, but I could still hear Edd yell. "He's planning to go visit you!" I booked it to my room, hoping he didn't hear that.

I shut the door behind me and sat down on the floor, taking a deep breath. "Sorry about him." I said. After a few seconds of silence, he replied. "Oh, it's okay, no worries. Didn't he yell something at you before you left, though?" I locked the door and sighed. "No, no he didn't." "Well alright then."

...You'll be suprised sooner or later, Tordie. It really won't take long. I promise.

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