22. A dream come true

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I'm kinda proud of this drawing! Just two gae bois chillin' together, having a gae time. This chapter isn't that eventful, but I did my best to make it as fluffy as possible. I was screaming the whole time while writing this- Enough of talking, enjoy the chapter!

Tom's POV:

I wasn't sure if my heart stopped or was beating so fast I couldn't even feel it. Wide eyed, I stared into nothing as my face heated up each second. "Are... Are you serious.?" I mumbled out. "Yeah... I love you. I'm sorry.." His voice rang from the other side, sounding much more hesitant than before.

My beet red face felt like it was on fire. 'Is this a dream?' I pinched myself, flinching right after. 'No. No. This can't be real, this is too good to be true..' I placed my hand on my heart feeling it beating like never before. I started sweating, my hands turning colder from all the anxiety.

"Tom.? I'm sorry, did I scare you away..? You still there?" He peeped out, clearly worried. "Y-yeah, I'm still here I just.." Why was I afraid? Why was I afraid to say it? 'He feels the same. You share these feelings. Just say it, Tom! Say it, for Jehovah's sake!'

"Tom, I understand if you don't feel the same. I-I kind of expected it anyway. I respect it, I really do. Just say it. Say you don't love m-" "Idiot." Tord, taken aback, shut his mouth, probably expecting yelling. Rejection. But you know what? He ain't having none of that.

"Don't you see, Tord?" "W-what.?" "I love you too, silly." All I got as an answer was silence. I looked at the phone screen and turned on the front camera, looking at it and smiling. A few seconds later, Tord's red face appeared on the screen as well. Tears rolling down his cheeks, he stared at me as if he was expecting me to say 'Sike!' just when he was getting his hopes up.

I chuckled lightly, blushing more. "I'm not joking, Tordle. I'm serious." He wiped away his tears, looking away. "Tordie. Look at me." Maintaining eye contact again, I told him everything that I kept from him for what felt like forever.

"Listen to me. I love you. Everything about you is just so adorable, your smile, your face that blushes 24/7, your beautifully colored eyes that sparkle every time they look at mine. Your shy personality, your kind heart. Everything about you seems so perfect to me. I wish I told you sooner, but I just couldn't get enough courage for that."

With each word I said, he smiled wider and wider. "You, Tordie, are my universe. And I can't imagine spending the rest of my life anywhere else other than by your side." Sobbing, he grinned at me. I've never seen him this happy before. It warmed my heart.

"I... I wanna spend my life with you, too.. I wish I could just get up and run towards your house to tackle hug you. To cuddle you. To...to kiss you.." He said the last part quieter than the rest and he looked away shyly. What'd I tell you? Adorable.

"Sadly, I can't do that. Even if you were here in the room with me. But I wish I could, because if I could, I already would." "Hey, hey. No getting sad now. One day, I will actually be there, in the room with you, hugging the dear life out of you and kissing you in the forehead while we watch some Steven Universe together or whatever."

He giggled, blushing even more. How's that even possible? That's what I don't have an answer to. "It seems so ridiculous now... Why was I so worried?" "What matters now is that you said it. And look where we are now." He nodded, feeling a little better.

"There's just one thing I want to ask you." I said a little more seriously now. A hint of anxiety showed on his face for a split second. "What is it, Tommie.?" I smiled at him to reassure him that it wasn't anything bad. That seemed to calm him down a bit.

"I've been meaning to ask this for a while. And now it's finally the right time to do so." I paused and took a breath. "Tordle... Will you... Will you be my boyfriend?

Tord's POV:

'Oh my stars oh my stars oh my stars oh my stars-' I covered my mouth. I swear my heart was beating with the speed of gay. I stared at him with wide eyes, trying to figure out if he was serious or not. This all just felt like a dream, but instead...it was a dream come true.

"It's okay if you say n-" "YES!" I responded, maybe a little too loud. Hope my parents didn't hear. He gasped lightly before squealing like a little kid getting the toy they always wished for. I really wanted to hug all that cuteness out of him, but that was impossible. He had infinite cuteness.

"I-I can't believe it! I love you so damn much aaaaaaa!" My giggling soon turned into full laughter, Tom soon joining in. His laughter warmed my heart. It felt like all was finally good in the world. All that pain from the past suddenly felt so much lighter. I wasn't all by myself anymore.

After we calmed down, we both just stared at each other in silence, smiling. We didn't need to talk. Our expressions said more than words ever could. I began spacing out as I stared into his pitch black eyes that still seemed to sparkle. They were beautiful. Like everything else about him. Perfect. Unlike me. But this was not the time to put myself down.

This moment felt like it went on forever, but not like when you're at school, listening to your math teacher explaining things that you'll never ever use in your life. Not like when you're just waiting for that bell to ring to finally set you free. No. This moment was ours. It was only about Tom and I now. Only him. And me. Alone together...until...

A knock on my door was heard, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Y-yeah?" "Sweetie, you okay? We heard you yell a few minutes ago and it went awfully quiet. We got worried." I calmed down again. Yeah, I'm fine. And this time I mean it." I responded.

"Can we come in?" "Now's not really the time.." "What are you doing in there? Are you hurting yourself again?!" "No! I'm okay!" I heard a sigh. "Alright. You better not be isolating yourself." "Yeah yeah, I'm okay. I'll explain later just please leave, for now, okay?"

"...Whatever you say, sweetheart. But come talk to us when you can." And with that, they left. I sighed of relief, looking back at Tom who was looking at me. "Tord... What exactly were you doing when you weren't answering me.?"

I frowned. "Let's just say I was kind of...unstable. I didn't cut myself or anything, but I was not taking any of this well. But is that really important? I did it to myself. I shouldn't have let it get to me. I should have asked you for help. But I didn't."

I felt ashamed. I only put Tom through hours of worrying about my disabled self. "I'm sorry, Tommie..." "I'm not angry. I'm worried about your health." He said calmly. "And do you know why I'm worried?" I stayed silent.

"Because you're my everything. I promise I'm gonna fix this. I'm gonna help you. Together, we can do this. You're a brave and strong fighter and I admire that, but I'm not letting you fight by yourself anymore. I'll grab my sword and go with you. When times are dark, I'll grab my light. And go with you. Holding your hand. Smiling at your cute little face."

I chuckled lightly. "You're so gay." "Says the right person!" He smiled and I returned it. "Anyway, like I said. I'm gonna help you with this. With your problems. And I promise that one day, I'll get to you. And we'll be together. Forever. And we'll be goddamn happy."

Still smiling, but wider this time, I nodded. "Yes, we will. But right now, I should go talk to my parents. I bet they're worried sick about me." "Alright. Try to come back soon, though, and let me know how it went, okay?"

"Alright. One last thing. Would you mind if I told them about...us?" "Do whatever feels right." I giggled. "Okay then. Stay safe, I'll talk to you as soon as I can." I paused hesitantly. "I love you." He smiled wider. "I love you too. And you stay safe too."

"I will. Buh bye!" "See ya, honey." I ended the call, grinning uncontrollably. When I finally managed to sit on my wheelchair properly, I left my room and right towards the kitchen where my parents sat when it dawned on me...

Did he really just call me honey!?-

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