19. Hints

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Hey guys! Sorry I disappeared...again. All the stuff going on around is really hard to handle, but don't worry, I take care of myself and try'na stay strong. And I hope you are too! Remember to stay safe, take care of yourself, stay strong. We'll get through this. ♥ I love you all, enjoy the chapter!

No one's POV:

Tord, lying on his bed and snuggling his blankets, stared at his phone as the song Peaches by grandson rang in the room. He couldn't stop thinking about Tom. His heart hurt whenever he thought about Tom being with someone else. It was a pain, to put it lightly.

He knew that if Tom did get into a relationship, Tord would support him. He just wanted to see Tom happy. That was the number 1 thing that mattered to him. He would eventually get over it, right? 'Right.'

Trying not to cause himself more pain, he closed his eyes and imagined Tom hugging him. A small smile made its way onto his face. They were gonna meet. No matter what, Tord was determined to meet Tom. That thought kept Tord going.

Though, deep inside, he was always busy fighting his inner demons. He wanted to stay positive and they were standing in his way. They told him to do bad things to himself. They told him lies that Tord did his best not to believe. He needed to stay strong for Tom.

Sometimes, he would feel them peeking behind his shoulder, judging whatever he was doing. Or whenever he tried to sleep, he felt some strange being stand beside his bed, staring down at him. It made him so uncomfortable that he once tried pulling an all-nighter. He passed out after two hours, though.

He decided not to tell Tom. He had more important things to worry about than his pathetic self. Without Tom, he felt like a turtle without its shell. He felt like macaroni without cheese. He felt like the night sky without stars. Something important was missing.

But when Tom was there, he felt whole. He felt like his life was worth fighting for. And he lived for these moments. Feeling bored, he decided to text Tom and call him. He needed his company. He should have some free time, right?

N0RSK1: Hey Tommy

PineappleBoi: Heya, Tordy~

N0RSK1: -///-

PineappleBoi: XD  How you doing?

N0RSK1: Bored outta my mind. Hbu?

PineappleBoi: Just finished my work so doing just fine

N0RSK1: Cool! Wanna call?

PineappleBoi: Sure, why nah

Tord already felt himself grinning. There wasn't as much nervousness as before. He was mostly just excited to talk to him. When he picked up the call, he was greeted with Tom's sweet voice. "Hellooo!" Tord chuckled to himself. "Hiiiii!"

Tom leaned back in his chair, throwing his legs on his desk. "Nice to finally talk to you. Was just thinking of texting ya, but you were quicker." "Aww, you were thinking 'bout me?" Tord asked, trying to hold back his laugh. Tom's face went red. "Yeah, yeah. Bet you couldn't get me off your mind."

Now it was Tord's turn to blush. "Naaah." They shared a laugh. Tord didn't want to admit that Tom was basically all he could think of so he just joked around. The two talked about Tom's job and Tom was getting more and more excited to go and meet Tord in person.

"Just you wait! I'm gonna hug the dear life out of you when I get there!" Tom faked an evil laugh, but was cut off by Tord. "Not if I do first!" "You won't. I'll hug you with the speed of gay!" Tord gasped dramatically. "Oh, you wouldn't..." "I would and I will! Don't believe me?"

Tord's stomach started hurting from all the laughter. This was another moment that he never wanted to end. "Ya know what? I'll come and see you as soon as I get the chance. No one will stop me now!"

Tord covered his red face, slowly calming down, but still chuckling. " Alrighty then, I'll be waiting." Tom grinned. "You better."

Tom's POV:

After we calmed down, we actually started talking like two responsible adults. And by that, I mean we started talking about if stuffed animals are just for kids. "No, they aren't! I have like, what, a whole box of stuffed animals in my room!" Tord protested.

"That's actually adorable. I only have one, but it's really important to me. It's a teddy bear. I call him Tomee." I told him, grabbing Tommee and hugging him close. "Aww! I'm gonna give you my teddy bear so that Tomee can have a friend!" "Yeah, just like I have you!" I grinned.

Tord went silent. I was about to get anxious when he whispered. "You're too sweet." My cheeks heated up. "No, you are! You're so pure, it makes me wanna cherish you forever." I hugged Tomee a little closer. "Aaaaaa jeg elsker deg!" 'What did he just say?'

Tord went quiet again, all of a sudden. "Tord? What'd you say?" I asked, but got no answer. "Tord?" "N-nothing! It meant nothing." I felt uneasy. "Tord, it was clearly something." "Nu-uh. I just mumbled something unimportant."

I sighed. Am I really gonna let this go? "Okay then.." I said, but quickly changed my mind. "You know what? No, not okay. If something's going on, you should tell me." I said in a serious tone. Sure, I can joke around, but I can also get serious when it's needed.

"It was really nothing, don't worry about it." He was lying. I could tell. His voice was quiet and shaky, obviously he was hiding something. "Tord, please don't lie to me. I care about you and I want to know if something's wrong."

"You can't help me with this, Tom. I'll deal with it, just please don't worry, okay?" He straight out said that something was wrong. Now I wanted to know more. I decided to keep it calm and try not to sound as serious to not scare him.

"Tord. You can always talk to me. I'm here for you and whatever's going on, you can tell me." He sighed. "Jeg elsker deg, Tom. Jeg elsker deg." He whispered. 'Jeg elske-what now?' "Are you speaking Norwegian?" "Maybe."

I shook my head. "You know I can't speak Norwegian, Tordie." "I know." He mumbled something else, but I couldn't hear it. I gave up on it. "I'll let it be, just...please know that I won't judge you if you need help, okay? I'm here for you. I really care about you, Tordle."

"Heh. I care about you too. And I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for being here, Tom. I'm really grateful." His voice was calmer. I could hear that he was being honest. I smiled lightly. "You're very welcome, cutie.~"

I chuckled. I could almost hear him blush. He was absolutely adorable. I could just hug him close and kiss his cute blushy face- "You're the best." I snapped out of my thoughts, not realizing I was blushing myself. "I know."

"I gotta go now. I'm watching a movie with my parents. I'll talk to you later, 'kay?" He said in a happy tone. "Alright then. Enjoy the film, stay safe in the meantime!" "I sure will and you better too. See ya, Tommy." "Later. I love you, Tordie." When I realized what I said, I immediately hung up and turned my phone off.

I nuzzled Tomee, feeling my heart race. 'It's fine. He won't think much of it. It was in a friendly way, I'm sure he understood that.' I thought to myself to calm down.

If only he knew how I truly meant it, though...

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