25. For you

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Hey, y'all! I'm sorry if it might seem like I time skip a lot in this chapter, but if I didn't, the story would eventually get really boring. And besides, I'm very excited to get to the final chapters. Not because I don't like this book, because I really do! I just really want them to finally meet. And I know you do too. So enjoy the chapter!

Tom's POV:

I came back from work and immediately went to my bed. I was really tired. Just like yesterday. And the day before that. I decided to take a nap. I wanted to talk to Tord since I didn't manage to find the time to talk to him for almost an entire week, but all I could think of was getting the rest I really needed.

Even if I didn't have the energy to talk to him, he wouldn't leave my mind for even one second. I missed his cute voice and his adorable smile. But maybe I'll finally get to talk to him tomorrow... Yeah. Surely it won't be that bad.

The next day wasn't any different, though. I managed to text Tord an apology for my inactivity and remind him that I love him very much, but didn't really have the time to have a full conversation with him. Maybe tomorrow...

No. Not even tomorrow. Time was flying faster than I previously expected. A whole month passed and I was still offline most of the time. Though he said that it's okay and that he understood, I still knew he wanted me to find the time to spend with him. I missed him too.

I didn't tell Tord, since I wanted it to be a suprise, but I started learning norwegian. I wanted to know at least some of his language. When I move to Norway to live with him, I should know at least the basics, right?

I started losing sleep, because I desperately wanted to talk to him so we only talked at around two in the morning. Though we both quickly ran out of steam and usually passed out while facetiming. It was a nice feeling. Falling asleep while seeing his cute little face actually made me hopeful of the future. To when we both fall asleep together, cuddling as the the raindrops hit the window from outside.

Another month passed. I got less and less time, but more and more money. I missed Tord 24/7, I just wanted to be with him. My norwegian got better and I even got a raise at work not so long ago! Tord was my motivation. I was doing all this for him, after all.

Edd and Matt recently confessed to me that they officially started dating. Of course, me, being the great friend that I am, supported them from that very moment. They were very cute together and I was happy for them.

Though, seeing them cuddling and being all lovey-dovey made me a bit jealous, even if I didn't want to admit it. It wasn't fair that Tord and I had to be apart. But I always try reminding myself that I'm working for a life with him. I'm working for him.

It was hard dealing with the stress at work. Some customers were okay, but others, more specifically Karens, were a whole different story. No, you can not speak to the manager. Now go vaccinate your kids and please don't come back with those essential oils of yours.

I was worried about my one and only. I missed him all of the time and hoped he was okay. I always lay in bed, passing out as the thought of him smiling slowly goes blurry and I fall into a deep slumber, only to wake up the next day and repeat the rutine.

"I hope you're okay, Tordle. I'm doing this all for you."

Tord's POV:

Everything's been difficult, but somehow, still pretty okay. Tom was busy most of the time and we couldn't find the time to talk to each other. But I knew it was only temporary and I was sure things were going to come back to normal in no time. Until then, I had to stay safe. For him.

I talked to my parents more and asked them to get me a therapist. Tom made me realize just how much I went through and am still going through. I thought that when Tom gets more free time again, I can suprise him with the fact that I'm trying to take care of myself and grow as a person.

Just the fact that I was finally fighting for myself and trying to get better already made me feel better. I was proud of myself for the first time in who knows how long. I was doing something for my health! 'I bet Tom will be happy to hear the news, too.'

Therapy wasn't really the best thing ever, but the sessions did help nonetheless. The therapist was super nice and managed to make me laugh all the time. He was a really friendly guy and I felt like I could trust him.

I opened up to my parents a bit more as well. About what was bothering me, what I was trying to do, etc. I got some pills for my anxiety and was told to only take them on the days when it was really strong, since they had side effects like weight gain and getting addicted to them.

They seemed to work quite well, certainly much better than my old ones that I used to take about ten years ago. Those anti-depressants had 'suicidal thoughts' as a side effect. Yup, they became the very thing they swore to destroy. I think it's quite obvious why I stopped taking them.

Three months passed since Tom pretty much lost his free time. I waited for him every morning to talk to him, even if it was just for a few minutes. I missed him, of course, but I was so very happy for him. And I was getting more and more excited to meet him.

As time passed, Tom and I stopped talking in the mornings as well. We were both too tired and didn't want to totally mess up our sleeping schedules. I continued writing my stories after literally forever to pass time and also improve my english. Look at me being responsible!

I also found another hobby. Patryck started teaching me how to cook and I learned how to make meals that I didn't even know existed! I always had Tom in my mind and a small part of my brain wanted to improve my cooking skills to impress him.

I wanted to be the best person for him, because he deserved the best person on Earth. I always knew no one is perfect, but I wanted to be as close to that as I possibly could just so I could make Tom happy. Just like he made me happy.

Whenever I felt like he was having a bad day, I sent him a message, reminding him how much I loved him and that he was doing great. He promised me that he was checking my messages, just didn't always have the time to reply. I just hoped it made his day better, whether whatever I sent him was a long and serious text or a wholesome meme.

As I stared at the night sky, keeping my gaze on the moon that seemed to be shining brighter than ever, I imagined him being next to me. I smiled softly and closed my eyes. "Soon enough, we'll meet. Until then, I'll work on myself. For you."

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