Chapter 10 "Unspoken thing"

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Yoooo guuyysss I'm so sorry this took so long I didn't mean to make you guys wait I'm sowweeyyy

Anyway, keep reading :)


"I-I'm really- I just couldn't- I was-" Daeyang stammered, trying to explain what she had just done.

Jimin sat there, staring at her. He found it kinda amusing seeing her like this, flustered, embarassed.

Of course, he felt the same, but he didn't want to make Daeyang more uncomfortable than she already is.

But he did want her. And whatever prince Jimin wants, prince Jimin gets.

He was gonna take her, right there, right now.

"Maybe I should-"

"Oh shut up already." Jimin playfully rolled his eyes and pulled Daeyang towards him by her collar, their faces a few centimeters away, their lips slightly brushing each other.

Daeyang's breathing immediately became unsteady, chills ran down her spine like a marathon, she could feel goosebumps on her skin, and all because of how close Jimin was to her.

The pirate studied Jimin's movements, from the curl of the corner of his lips to the kitten lick that he placed on her bottom lip.

"Jimin..." Daeyang whispered as Jimin slowly pushed her down on the cold, wooden floor, straddling her with a smirk on his face.

"J-Jimin what are you-"

Cutting off her words and breath, Jimin's lips fell on top of Daeyang's. The pirate flinched and froze on the spot, but soon kissed back.

Jimin took over the kiss, pressing his lips harshly over Daeyang's, moaning and grinding on her.

"F-fuck- Jimin." Daeyang groaned, pulling away and carrying Jimin over to the bed.

She placed him down and immediately hovered over the boy. Jimin gulped and stared at her, beads of sweat starting to form on her forehead.

"W-why did you d-do that." She asked, gasping for breath.

Jimin let out a small smile and wrapped his arms around the pirate's neck, not breaking eye contact.

"I just feel like there's this unspoken thing between us." He replied. "And since you made the first move, I did the second."

"You think we can do the rest together?"

"I mean, if you're up for it, then..."

Daeyang chuckled and kissed Jimin again, love and joy filling up her heart.

(Lol that was too dramatic wasn't it?)


"So, like, I told her to apologize to him and I haven't seen her or the prince for the past hour." Jin explained.

Namjoon nodded.

"Uhm, excuse me?" Jungkook said from behind Namjoon. "Have you seen Jimin hyung anywhere? I'm kinda worried."

Namjoon gestured for Jungkook to sit down, which the latter immediately obliged to.

"He's currently with Daeyang, sorting out some stuff." Namjoon replied.

"Isn't he mad at her?"

"Well, yeah, but, I'm sure they'll be fine." Jin smiled comfortingly.

Namjoon scoffed. "What the hell makes you think he'll forgive her that easily?"

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