chapter 005

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When waking up, I felt sharp pain in my arm which made me moan. I slowly opened my eyes, my eyes hit the white ceiling before scanning the room I was in. My eyes landed on Vladimir, who was asleep while sitting on the sofa in front of the bed I was lying on. I sat up, glanced at my arm and noticed a needle stuck into my arm.

"Are you awake?"

Suddenly when lifting my head up, I spotted Vladimir scratch the back of his neck before standing up and with tired eyes walk up to me and stop right at the bed next to me.

"How are you feeling?"

With a dry throat who's in need for water, I answer.

"I don't know and why is there a needle in my arm?"

He looked behind him, found a chair and pulled it forward and sat on it. His movements were quiet then when his eyes met mine, he grabbed the glass filled with water from the nightstand and gave it to me.

"When I brought you here, you were in a lot of pain so the nurse gave you an IV bag for the pain so that you could sleep in peace"

"I see"

I lifted the glass to my lips, drank the water then gulped it all down my throat, refreshing my throat. I, then gave the empty glass back to him and he put it on the nightstand. That's when the atmosphere between us became silent and awkward since none of us was speaking and he was just looking at me while I tightened my grip on the blanket and slowly closing my eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me you were sick?"

"I didn't even know myself"

I had my eyes closed but I heard Vladimir's phone start to ring, he got up and answered the phone, walking a bit further from the bed. Then he began to speak in, what I believe, russian which I obviously couldn't understand. But from the tone of his voice I could tell, he was pissed. After a good 5 minutes of shouting into the phone, he pulled it away and hung up. He threw the phone onto the sofa, rubbed his eyes then glanced over at me, who had his eyes open.

"You should be happy. Your father just attacked my men in search for you"

"My father? He's searching for me?"

He suddenly glared at me, making me slightly crawl backwards, pinning my back to the headboard in fear as he walked closer to me. He put his knee of the bed, next to my thigh then leaned close to my face making me gulp.

"You may think I will return you home but his actions just now angered me, he'll pay for what he has done to my men"

"What will you do to him?"

"I will make him pay in the worst possible way"

He backed away and was about to leave but before he could leave me, I grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"Please don't hurt my dad! Please Vladimir! I'll do whatever you want! Just don't hurt him!"

He was mute, not responding to my begging. He grabbed my shoulder and harshly pushed me down to the bed, forcing me to lie down but I struggled to stay up which angered him. To the point where, he grabbed a hold onto my wrist, walked up to the headboard and used a handcuffs to attach my wrist and the headboard together, shocking me.

"What the hell?! Release me! Right now!"

Sending me a last glare, he turns around and angrily leaves the room by slamming the door close and locking the door.

Dad! No! I have to stop Vladimir!

I glanced at the handcuff, pulled my wrist harder but the harder I tried the painful it got. Eventually I gave up, laid down and closed my eyes tightly, and kept begging repeatedly in my mind.

God, please protect my father.

Vladimir parked his car, stepped out and fixed the position of his the before walking forward towards his men then stop in the middle deadly glaring at the unknown men in front of him.

"Who are you guys? What do you want?"

"We want the kid"

"Sadly I won't give him to anyone unless the father comes on his own and pays up what he promised"

"Then we will get him the hard way"

To be Continued...

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