chapter 007

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Vladimir parked his car, shoved the keys into his pockets before bolting inside the hospital and ran up the stairs, straight to the room Aiden stayed in but when entering he only spotted Misha sitting on the bed with a nurse taking care of his wounds but when she noticed Vladimir, she stopped and so Misha followed her eyes and smiled, waving his hand at him.

"What happened to the kid?"

Misha thanked the nurse, who organized her stuff before passing by Vladimir and leaving the door after closing the door. Vladimir stepped closer to Misha, grabbed his collar and bit his teeth in anger.

"I put you in this position because I trusted you and you just let them get away with the kid! For what do I pay and train you?! Ha! For you to just breath air or what?"

Misha chuckled at Vladimir's anger and pulled his wrist, releasing himself from the deadly grip.

"I was tricked, that's all. Besides we'll get him back, we always do when we lose something"

"It's not about losing him, it's about how stupid you were getting tricked! I've known you for a long time, you would have never believed someone so obvious!"

"You're acting as if you were around. Besides this woman said his Guardian told her to do her checkup without anyone around and since you did check in the hospital by saying you're his Guardian, I thought she was an actual nurse"

"Why do you think I call you the eagle? Because you never let anyone out of your sight without thinking twice about it! I've never had a case with you losing someone!"

Misha rubbed his eyes, scoffed and got up from the bed, staring deeply into Vladimir's eyes till he couldn't help but smile.

"What happened, happened. Even if you blame me, it won't change the fact that the kid is taken. Besides whatever anyone ever said about you, I believed"

"So it's my fault now?"

"I never said that. I just meant, I made a mistake and I will take responsibility in returning your kid"

"You better bring him back. If you don't want me to throw you away, do as you're told and never be tricked by anyone ever again"

After giving Misha a deadly glare, he turned around and angrily left the room. Misha sighed, sat back down on the bed and pulled his phone out, went to his gallery and looked at the photo he took of the men and the woman. He zoomed in on their faces, moved his tongue around his mouth in anger as his glared at his phone screen then bowed his head and scratched the back of his neck.

My eyes were covered, everything was black and my skin was freezing. I was shaking due to the cold weather, however suddenly I felt a warm touch against my shoulder then slowly go down until the touch stopped right above my belly button. A warm breath touched my ear, I backed away but a hand grabbed my waist and pulled me forward making me gasp loudly in fear until something soft touched the side of my neck and then something wet moved around making circles and I gulped.

"Since when is a guy so soft? Are you Vladimir's type now? I think raping you would be fun"

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"I want Vladimir dead"

Through the blindfold I widened my eyes. He grabbed my shirt and ripped it to two pieces, exposing my bare chest and pushed me down, hovering above me, sitting on my waist and lean closely to me. To the point where, I felt his breath against my nose making my heartbeat start to run a marathon out of fear.

Tears filled my eyes, however due to the blindfold covering my eyes they didn't roll down my cheeks but only stayed in my eyes. I bit my bottom lip when he wrapped his arm around my waist, lifted me up and then threw me onto something soft which I assume was a bed.

"Please don't!"

"Petrov will do the same thing. Even tho he might be sweet and kind, remember who he really is. He'll never see you the way you want to because in the end, you're only a toy for him. A toy he needs for money, nothing more and nothing less"

My breath heavier when his palms went lower, grabbed a hold of my pants and made me shout.

"Please stop!"

" boy"

After Misha stepped out of the room, turned around and spotted Vladimir speaking with his men. He cleared his throat and walked up to them. His men noticed Misha and stopped talking. Vladimir turned around, seriously stared at him until he sighed and handed Misha a bottle of water before patting his shoulder and walking away from them.

Misha glanced at the bottle, smiled then lifted his head up as he looked at Vladimir leaving.

"No matter what happens, Vladimir never changes"

Vladimir stepped out of the hospital, sighed and walked towards his car. He was about to come closer, but stopped half-way. He heard a strange noise, which made him back away and feel suspicious. Eventually he realized what was going on and yawned as he backed away from the car until the car suddenly exploded loudly, flames were high and Vladimir stared at those flames with his hands inside his pockets.

It's on.

To be Continued...

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