chapter 012

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Vladimir stepped out of his car, told his driver to wait then walked up to the bench near the river. It was rather quiet, there weren't a lot of people around and after sitting down, he sighed and leaned himself back, closing his eyes and enjoying the sun shining on his face and the calming wind touch his skin.

It was very calming.

However that's when a hand touched my shoulder. He opened his eyes, glanced up and spotted a beautiful woman smiling at him and before he could even stand up to politely greet her, she quietly sits down next to him and sighs.

"As I have already told you. I'm Maria Johnson, Aiden's mother. And I'm pretty sure you also know who my husband is, right?"

"George Williams, the American douchebag"

"He can be a douchebag, however he wasn't always like that or rather he isn't always like that Petrov. Besides I know for a fact that my boy is in your grip, is that correct?"

He clenched his fists in secret, bit his teeth and gulped and before answering, he cleared his throat.

"I understand the love of a mother however there is no way I'm returning your boy to you. One reason, a payback to George and the second reason, I want to keep him"

"There are a few problems at home. I would rather keep my son away from these issues, however not true whether I can trust you on keeping him safe"

"And what exactly gave you the idea that I would not hurt him? What if I did hurt him, you would never be able to know that?"

She chuckled then glanced over at him, which Vladimir avoided by staring at the water.

"I've known people like you. People like you hide scars of the past and use it in the future as a sign of strength and power, when in reality they only search for comfort and someone who would stay by their side forever"

Vladimir turned to his left side, faced her and she kept her kind smile which made him also smile and he also scoffed.

"How do mother's think? Do they really believe to know everything?"

He questions while still smiling, however she only chuckled then looked back at him.

"Admit it, you like my son"

"Like is not quite the word I would use"

He answers, turning to look forward. She gently touched his cold hand with her warm one, held it tightly and he was paralyzed, glancing down at their hands then looked at her.

"I may not approve of what you did back then however the decisions that my son does, I will support no matter what. I wanted to meet you in order to confirm who my son is with and now that I've met you, I believe my son would be safe with you until I can solve the issues at our home"

"Can you really trust a gangster?"

"I don't trust gangsters. I only trust people with a white heart"

"Aha, my heart is white? That's a great sentence"

"Because it's the truth"

"So what am I now? Your babysitter? Should I look after your son now? What's your plan exactly?"

She slowly pulled her hand away, sighed and closed her eyes enjoying the wind.

"George has made many mistakes ever since we got married. To this day, I regret ever agreeing to the marriage however I never regretted having my son, Aiden. I want to protect him and want to grant him a dreamlike life, which was tough but now I'm committing to it. I will do everything in my power to make his life as comfortable and enjoyable as it could ever be. And in order to achive that, I need your help. I need the help of a kind russian man named Vladimir Petrov, the son of Svetlana Sokolov"

Vladimir eyes went cold, he tightened his fists and bit his teeth. He gulped, not believing it. He slowly turned to the face her and her smile got wider.

"You knew"

"Of course I did. You have her eyes Vladimir, she was a wonderful woman and my dearest friend. Who I, to this day, absolutely love and cherish in my heart. She, of course, never deserved the fate she was given but she's now in a much happier place rather then being in this cruel and unfair world"

"I didn't expect for the person my mother loves the most to be you"

"Shocked or confused?"

"No, just lack of understanding. Basically both. I don't know how you two could ever be friends"

"There's an entire story about our journey as friends, you are also included Vladimir"

He got up, shoved his hands inside his suit pockets and looked handsomely in front of the water.

"If your mother was alive, she would be proud of you. You've grown to be a handsome and wealthy man, minus the gang things. You're a caring and polite man behind the gangster mask Vladimir"

"I don't think she would be that proud of me, don't think so"

"That's only what you think, which isn't the truth Vladimir"

He cleared his throat, turned around and as the wind got stronger he smirked and she smiled at each other.

"I promise to keep your son by my side. I'll keep him safe. Do not worry Johnson"

"Thank you Vladimir. May God bless you and keep you both safe from harm"

To be Continued...

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