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The song is called "The Zombie Song" by Stephanie Mabie. It's pretty good. Not my usual, but pretty good. I usually listen to show tunes/Twenty one pilots

I look down from my balcony. I'm glad that I'm not heir to the throne. I can't imagine how hard life would be as a king. And quite frankly, I don't think I could handle one press meeting.
My friend Patton, who works in the castle, comes in my room.
"What are you doing up so late?"
"I'm fine Patton. I think I just need to go to the stables. Maybe on a little ride."
"Want me to walk you there?"
"It's alright , Pat."
So I go to the stables and mount my horse. I set off into the woods.
After ten minutes of riding, I hear the most beautiful voice singing.
"Our Love Story
Could be kinda gory
We'd meet at a post
Yeah, I'd be slowly walking
In a group stalking
You'd be the only man alive
That I could not resist"
I go towards it.
"Then all of your friends
They'd try to kill us
But only because
They'd be jealous
That our love is deeper than Edward and Bella's"
They stop singing and talk to themselves.
"Why Edward and Bella? How about... Alex and Magnus? Or Simon and (Blues real name bc I'm not spoiling)? Oh well, not my song, not my rules."
I find them.
Bright Purple hair.
"Oh, if I were a zombie"
Two different color eyes. One purple, one green.
"I'd never eat your brain"
Tattered clothing
"I'd just- who are you?"
"Prince Roman." They begin to bow, but I put my hand on their shoulder. Being royal is tiring, and I don't want to be Prince tonight.
"Your highness, why aren't you letting me bow?"
"I don't want to be royal right now."
"Okay, Roman."
I sit down next to them. We're right by a pond, in a patch of wildflowers, which are strange and bright colored.
"I'm Virgil."
"Beautiful name."
We talk a bit and agree to meet here tomorrow, same time.
I walk into my room and call Patton, who arrives almost immediately.
"Roman? Everything alright?"
"Patton! The most wonderful thing happened!"

Part 2
Coming soon!
Have a awesome day,

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