Character Q&A - the question form

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The question form is now closed! The answers are published after the last chapter.

Hello y'all, Enyo here. Some of you guys showed interest in a character Q&A so I decided to do one yay. I'm going to keep this short and simple because there's no need to create a big hassle for this, I think?

Below, I'll list the characters and you can comment the questions you want to ask them. The chapter with the answers will be published right after I publish the last chapter and right before I will set this story as complete. You can comment questions until that very moment and I will probably take down/edit this chapter if the questions are closed. Anyway, there's a good amount of time left to come up with questions. Have fun, I guess? XD

Lee Chaelin

Hwang Hyunjin

Lee Felix

Lee Chunja (Chaelin's mother)

Hwang Hyemin (Hyunjin's mother)

Any other character you want to ask anything? It can be everyone, even a random teacher that's mentioned only once. Just comment like this (character: question) and it will be put on the list.

Of course, if anyone's interested, you can always ask the author (le me) a question. I won't bite :)) (unless you're a cup of noodles, then I'll bite sorry)

I'm kinda curious to see what kind of questions everyone comes up with, which is why I was looking forward to doing a Q&A for quite a while now. For now, I'll (hopefully) see you in the next chapter which will be up sooner or later.

Have this cutie

Have this cutie

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- Enyo

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