Chapter 11

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  I'm finally being discharged tomorrow. It feels like such a relief to no longer have to worry about him storming up to my room and doing God knows what. A couple of days from now I'll be halfway across the country and free of him. I do feel guilty not knowing what he's going to do when I'm gone, or more importantly who he could hurt. I sigh at the thought. As much as I want to prevent hand from hurting others, I'm not willing to sacrifice myself to do so.
His decisions are not my responsibility and quite frankly I can't believe the authorities still haven't arrested him. Regardless of whatever's keeping him out of trouble false imprisonment, molestation, assault, and trespassing are still illegal.
I sort of wonder if it's his mental state keeping him out. He's so clearly unstable it's not hard to figure out why.
I'm so happy I won't have to worry about these things soon. Wondering what's keeping him out of prison it's going to be the least of my thoughts when I'm trying to build a life an entirely new place. I'm going to miss the life I built here though. My life here was comfortable before him.
I can't believe how much my life has changed in such a short period of time and it's all thanks to him. Constant worrying keeps me up at night. On the occasion I do get some sleep but, he haunts me then too.
When I first got away from him, before I hurt myself, I saw flashes of violence in green lights. Hazy memories the awful things he had done to me. Or worse, I'd have nightmares of what he could do. Sometimes I'd wake up from some awful dream that was worse than reality.
After waking up in the hospital with bandages over my wrist the dreams changed. I swear I must have felt some kind of Stockholm Syndrome. That's the only way I can think to explain those dreams. Waking with the feeling of his hands on me so gently, was almost as bad as before. I hate those, because they make me feel weak in a way the violence hadn't. I hated it even more the way my entire body tingles, especially my neck.
Lately it's been even worse. Knowing some of the details of what hides under his clothes has been torturous. I wish I didn't remember my dream kissing of each one of his scars.
I break out with my thoughts and there's a knock at my door. A nurse enters presumably to take my vitals and probably to inform me of tomorrow's discharge procedures.
She smiles at me that usual fake smile I've grown accustomed to and says, "you must be pretty excited for tomorrow". Despite this being just professional small talk, I feel a smile of my own slightly overtake my face.
"Before you go I've come to administer a shot but you are overdue for", she says cheerfully. I frown at this; it hadn't been mentioned before.
"May I ask what it's for?", I say in my weak voice. I can talk a little better now, but it is better to rest. It was lucky that my hyoid only had a spiral fracture though.
She smiles even more sickly sweet, "no big deal just a flu shot your doctor recommended". I find it odd my doctor would recommend a shot and not consult me about it first, but regardless I let her put the needle in my arm. She pushes down on the plunger never losing her smile. After she pulls the needle out, she turns to leave the room.
Just before she walks out the door, she looks over her shoulder and says,"someone will be in with you shortly please try not to panic dear". She closes the door behind her. What did she mean "try not to panic"? Why on Earth would I be panicking? Before I can ponder it any further my head starts to feel woozy. Not for the first time the room spinning around me.
Some of my time passes before the door opens again. It could have been five minutes or five hours; everything is so distorted.
A familiar man walks through the door. I know I know him, but I don't know where from.
He smiles gently at me and goes to wrap his arms around me. Normally I would be appalled at a strange man touching me like this. Somehow though, I welcome the touch. He's so warm and everything feels fuzzy. Fuzzy's not the right word I suppose, it's more like fireworks in a way.
"I've missed you so much love", he says with a voice full of emotion. I don't know why this man missed me. I don't believe I'd gone anywhere. Although I don't mind the idea the handsome man missing me. I cuddle up into his arms as he continues to hold me. This feels so familiar and right.
I don't question it as he picks me up into his arms and begins to walk out of the room. It feels nice to be in his arms after all. I curl into him further as he carries me down the hall to an elevator.
Once in the elevator I begin to feel kind of bored. Looking at the man's face I see he's got a scar on his left brow and another smaller one on his lip. They're so pretty on him. The skin slightly raised and pale in comparison to rest of his face.
Without giving it half a thought, I reach up and tentatively put my index finger to the one on his brow bone, gently tracing it. He flinches a little and immediately looks down at me.
"Wh-what are you doing?", he asks. I giggle a little at him.
"You're so pretty", I tell him. He smiles at me.
"You think I'm pretty?", he asks in a joking tone. I like joking with him. It's fun. I nod at him smiling widely. He returns the look.
I continue moving my finger lightly down his face. Past his brow I trace his jawline. He relaxes and closes his eyes a little bit as I go. I soon reach the scar on his lower lip. Tracing it too I notice him stiffen a bit with a sharp inhale and his gaze in me take on more intensity. More than that though I feel all tingling between us get a bit stronger.
I like his lips. They're very soft and warm. I replace my index with my thumb and run it over his lower lip. He makes an odd sound somewhere between a whimper and a groan. I start slightly at the sound and look up from his lips to eyes to make sure I haven't done anything. I pause on his lip, but don't remove my thumb.
He doesn't seem hurt, which is good, I'd feel terrible if I had hurt him.
He has such pretty eyes. They're impossibly green, an amazing candy apple hue. They stand out brilliantly in contrast to his golden skin. They're framed by perfect black lashes. His lashes are so full and long they cast a shadow and brush the skin below his eyes when he blinks.
Regretfully breaking from his gaze I notice the beginning of another scar right at the collar of his shirt. Moving from his lips to his jawline before trailing down his neck. I start to make my way towards it curiously.
Reaching his one of his collar bones I brush my finger lightly along it. He moans lightly as I move my hand to slightly grip along his shoulder, feeling the muscles there.
"What are you doing?", he asks in strained voice. Instead of answering I continue. He's so strong. Despite the constant position he's in from holding me I can feel the power just under his skin.
Deciding to return on to his scar, I move my hand away from his shoulder and back towards his collar. He's wearing a crew neck shirt, so I hook a finger under the fabric to pull it down a bit. His chest rumbles and I feel the vibrations against me. They're oddly comforting, and I pull closer to him if possible.
The scar turns out to be bigger than I had expected and pulling his collar down only a few inches doesn't allow me to see it all. From what I can see though it's a rather thick one and probably very long. Acting purely on instinct I move my face a bit, the side of which was pressed against one of his shoulders. I arrange myself closer to the scar. Glancing up into his eyes again before pressing a soft kiss to the scar.
After a long moment I pull away. Looking to him again I see he holds a slightly tense expression and he seems breathless too.
"Diana as much as I'm enjoying this, I think it'd be best you stop now", he's looking up and away from me.
"You aren't in the greatest frame of mind right now and I don't want to take things too far", He seems to struggle getting the words out. Not wanting to cause any trouble for the man I stop my exploration and decide to play with his hair instead. He seems more comfortable with that. His hair is so thick and soft.
The elevator pings before the doors open letting us out. He walks towards some big glass doors leading outside. I swing my feet a bit and continue playing with his hair as we go.
Reaching the door, he moves me around in his arms a bit in order to pulls one open. As he does a slight cool breeze hits me and I hug him closer. He's so warm.
He walks out into the world with me snuggled close. He takes me to a strangely familiar black car. He pulls open the door a gets in the backseat. He sits down with me in his lap. Someone else in front immediately starts driving.
I'm looking around the dark leather interior when he gently turns my face towards him. He's smiling at me again but this time almost sadly.
"I'm so sorry for everything love", he says. I put my face I to the crook of his neck and close my eyes.
"It's okay", I tell him yawning as I do. I hadn't realized until now how tired I was. He so warm and I love the way his arms are wrapped around me.
"No, it's not". I fall asleep in his arms

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