Chapter. 7 - The Initiation

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Remnant - Vale
Emerald Forest
Light - 20
YN-3 Pov

YN: "WAIT HOLD ON. WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" I shout as I'm flying through the air.

Ghost: we'll come to that later. Pick a spot.

YN: "let's see.. ahh. There's a clearing there" I start falling towards the clearing.

Right before I hit the ground I activate my glide to gracefully descend to the ground.

YN: "alright ghost. Which way to the temple?" I start looking around.

Ghost materializes.
Ghost: "let's see.. that way" he looks in a direction which I presume is north.

YN: "alright. Let's get moving" I start walking as ghost hovers next to me.

Ghost: "so. Who would you want as a teammate?"

YN: "hmm.. probably- wait. I already looked at you. Doesn't that make you my teammate?" I look towards him as I continue to walk.

Ghost: "maybe?" He tilts slightly as he looks at me.

YN: "hmm.. whatever. We'll find out later" ghost dematerializes.


We've been walking for a few minutes. Just looking around as we continue to make our way to the temple.

I hear the bushes rustle as ghost confirms it.
Ghost: hostile contact.

I look towards the bush keeping an eye on my tracker as it shows me the general direction of the enemy.

The bottom of my tracker fills red letting me know something's behind me.

I hear snarls as I pull out my sidearm (Travelers Chosen) quickly. And sidestep to the right avoiding a slash. The black wolf creature fly's by as I snap my aim towards it's head. quickly firing three shots, shattering the bone armor.

Ghost: Beowolves. Where's there's one. There's more nearby.

My tracker completely fills red except the circle in the middle.

YN: "you think?" I stare down all the beowolves surrounding me.

YN: "20 to one. Should be a challenge. do me a favor and switch burst glide with blink"

Ghost: done. And you got this Guardian

I ready my sidearm and summon a scatter grenade in my left hand.

Pov switch - 3rd Person

A beowolf makes the first move as he pounces at the Guardian. Missing a slash as YN dodges and tosses the grenade into the air. He aims toward the beowolf who first tried to hit him and pushes the trigger on his sidearm very quickly. firing three shots straight through it's skull. Effectively killing it.

He dodges another slash from another beowolf and fires a shot at the airborne grenade. Exploding midair and scattering the Void light onto the beowolves as the mini explosions kill some but weaken most.

He blinks next to a beowolf and sticks his sidearm under the beasts head. Pulling the trigger the beowolves head explodes. Disintegrating.

He hears movement behind him as he ducks down dodging a slash. He grabs the wolf's hand. Throwing it over onto it's back. As YN whips out his shotgun with his left hand. Pointing directly at the beowolf's face and blasting the solar energy. Effectively killing it.

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