Vol. 2 Chapter. 25 - Breach

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Beacon Academy - Dormitories

Jaune is shown sleeping, his back turned. The scroll next to him turns on. Jaune turns in his sleep.
Jaune: "mm, waffles" he says in his sleep. It starts playing a ringtone. Causing him to wake up. "Wha?" He picks it up. It shows a picture of Ruby as the caller. He answers it. "Uh, hello?" Interference causes the call to end as it plays a sound. "Ruby?"


Pyrrha: "I'm sure they're fine" Pyrrha says walking next to her team.
Jaune: "you think?"
Nora: "probably a butt-dial"
Ren: "Team RWBY has always performed exceptionally in the field, especially YN. We should be focusing on our own mission"
Nora zooms in front of Ren.
Nora: "we're gonna be deputies!"

Jaune: "I just got this.. feeling. I, I don't know"
Pyrrha: "Jaune.." alarms are heard blaring from Vale, they look to see the city up in smoke. Then the Beacon alarm blares too.
Nora covers her ears.
Jaune: "we're changing our mission. Everyone on board" they all get on the Bullhead.
Jaune stops Ren.
Jaune: "Ren. We'll make it out to that village another time" he nods and boards the Bullhead. "Take us into the city" he tells the pilot. The bullhead takes off towards Vale.


Team RWBY and YN are shown standing in the middle of a pavilion, surrounded by tons of beowolves and a king taijitu.

Pov Switch - YN-3

We stand surrounded by Grimm with our weapons drawn.
YN: "hmm.. what's the play, Ghost?"

Ghost: Go nuts.
My Ghost simply says.

The giant snake Grimm roars at us.
Making the beowolves charge.
I jump down from the pavilion and make the first move on a beowolf, I triple tap the trigger, shooting it's head off.
Ghost: got one on your left
The beowolf to my left snaps it's jaws at me. I punch it to disorient it, my metal hand cracks the bone helmet. Then I pull out my knife and stab it through the bottom of it's mouth to the top of it's head.

Ghost: to your right.
I look right and pull out my sword, which was a bad idea.
YN: "right, no sword ammo apparently" I say looking at my whited out sword, the beowolf charges me. I just bludgeon the beowolf with the empty blade, it stuns it which I pull out my Sidearm and triple tap the trigger, blowing it's head off.

Ghost: 6 o clock, Two of 'em right behind you.
I look behind me to one of them mid-lunge. I perform a slide under it, triple tapping the trigger of my Sidearm, shooting it's head as it flies by. Now the other beowolf is in front of me, it goes for a slash as I aim my Sidearm.
My gun clicks, I get a slash immediately after words. Sending me to the ground as my shields shatter. I roll onto my back to see the beowolf lunging at me. I roll out of the way as it lands where I was just a second ago, I deliver a spin kick to it's head. Stunning it which I finish with a knife stab.

I finish up my fight and look towards the others, the snake Grimm is right in front of Ruby, roaring at her. I'm about to run over to support when I hear an explosion, I look to see Nora flying in on her hammer.
Nora: "Nora smash!" She shouts as she swings her hammer down onto the Grimm's head. Knocking it to the ground.

She lands next to the rest of JNPR.
Pyrrha: "Let's move!" She shouts. As most of JNPR charge into battle.

The fight continues. Sun and Neptune arrive.
Sun: "nobody move, Junior Detectives!" He shows his badge.
Neptune: "we have badges, so you know it's official" he shows his badge too. They fist bump each other.
YN: "wow, so cool" I say unimpressed. I feel a rumbling as we all look to the sky. I giant ship is flying in. With various smaller ships flying in also.

Sun and Neptune look on amazed, Sun drops his badge.
An Ursa charges at Ruby which immediately gets gunned down by one of the ships.
Ruby waves in appreciation. While I'm here worrying about how dangerous that was.

One of the ships backside opens up, revealing those Atlesian Knights. The other ships open too to let out a small army of them.
They land on the ground and immediately begin securing the area, shooting down Grimm after Grimm.
The fight continues as we see another Bullhead flying in, carrying Team CFVY aboard.
Their fight continues with the lesson that I should never mess with I think her name was Coco's favorite clothing stores.
Then I witness a slaughter against the Grimm that the teachers committed, I should never mess with them also.

After waving off Grimm like it was nothing. Glynda uses her Semblance to fix the hole in the ground, putting the rubble back like a jigsaw puzzle and shoving the train back into the ground.


I regroup with my Team and everyone else that participated. Including Sun and Neptune who get points for just being there.
I look left to see Torchwick getting escorted onto one of those Atlesian ships.
Roman: "oh, I can't believe that you caught me. You've really taught me the error of my ways" the bot gives him a light shove to get moving. "Hey hey, watch the hat!" The green haired girl and grey haired boy walk up to us giving us a smile, I eye them cautiously then look away. We all do little celebrations about this victory.


Yang: "well, we did it" she says as we sit near the edge of a cliff, including Zwei. looking at the city as that giant Atlesian ship flies over it.
Blake: "we did it"
Weiss: "if we don't get extra credit for that, I'm going to be seriously disappointed"
YN: "usually, I'm rewarded with loot by the end of things like this"
Yang: "Weiss, a two-headed snake literally crushed a bakery. I wouldn't count on it"
YN: "no loot then.." I say sadly.

Ruby: "plus, I mean, we didn't solve everything. A lot of people were hurt, and we still don't even know why they did this, or who that mystery girl was"
Weiss: "well, not every story has a neat and tidy ending"
Blake: "we might not have all the answers, but we do have a lot of dangerous people behind bars. And I think that's something we can be proud of"
Ruby: "yeah. I mean if anyone ever tries something like this again, we'll be there to stop them"

Yang stretches her arms and lies on her back.
Yang: "yay. Teamwork, camaraderie, good guys, go team, alright good job. So, what now?"
Weiss: "I'd suggest training for the tournament, but.. I think we have that covered at this point"
Blake: "so then..?"
Ruby: "uh, time for bed?" She suggests.

Weiss: "oh, please, yes"
Blake: "absolutely"
Yang: "I'm going to sleep forever" they all tiredly say. All getting up.

I get up from sitting on my knees.
YN: "rest up while you can, I may not be able to participate in the Tournament but I can help you train" I say as we all make our way back to Beacon.
Ruby: "uh.. didn't Weiss just say we already have training covered?" She questions.
YN: "yes, but I don't think she was referring to your Light, we're heading back to the White Rock to strengthen your Light" they all tiredly groan.
YN: "like I said, rest up. We're about to do some more training" I say, continuing our walk back to Beacon so they can get some rest.


That's it for this Chapter of The Warrior Scholar! But not Volume, not yet, just one more then that will be it for Volume 2.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed and as always..

Fight Forever, Guardian!

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