Chapter 5: Maybe, it's too late.

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Jeongyeon is currently glaring at Namjoon. Flirty as he is, Jeongyeon couldn't help but feel irritated.

It's only been a day and Namjoon's all over Jihyo. Tsk! Shithead.

'If looks can kill, Namjoon would be dead even in the afterlife' Mark uttered.

'Shut up'

'Call for Jihyo so they could stop talking' Mark said. Good suggestion but Jeongyeon, stubborn as she is, didn't want to make it seem like she's jealous.

'Okay, guys. We're gonna return to the hotel now. Time to pack up' Nayeon said that made everyone say yes and start packing up.

Jihyo started cleaning the table where Jeongyeon and Mark were sitting.

'Let me help you' Namjoon said.

'Ah, thank you'

Jeongyeon clicked her tongue in irritation before walking away.

'Tee hee hee' Momo and Mark high fived each other, satisfied with their best friend's reaction.

They were about to go in the van when Jihyo was stopped by Namjoon,

'Let me open it for yo—'

'Oh thank you' Jeongyeon stood in between them and got on, interrupting the two.

Jihyo bowed to the guy and waved at Namjoon before the latter run to his van.

'Sigh' Jeongyeon sighed heavily.

'You seem to be carrying the world on your back' Jihyo stated.

'Don't talk to me' Jeongyeon crossed her arms and pouted, looking out the window.

She's still very irrational. How cute.

They arrived at the hotel when Jeongyeon's phone vibrated,

'Where you going?' Jihuo asked the girl who's walking different paths.

'You go on ahead. Tell them I'm just meeting up someone' Jeongyeon said and hurriedly walked away.

Must be someone important to her...

'Where's that dork going?' Nayeon asked.

'Meeting up someone' Jihyo shortly answered. Keeping it simple as possible so she won't overthink.


'Why are you here?' Jeongyeon asked the person who's been waiting for her at the veach bit far from the hotel.

'I see you building fence around my future wife' the guy lowered down his hoodie that revealed his face.

'Future wife?'

'Tsh. I see you don't know anythin—'

'Get to the point, Jackson'

They glared at each other.

'Don't be building fences around my girlfri—'

'Don't talk to me about taking your girlfriend away from you when you did it to me first' Jeongyeon cut off.

'Get over it, Jeongyeon. I love your girl! I love Jihyo! And I'm palnning to marry her!' Jackson said out loud but the katyer seem unbothered.

'Is that all?' Jeongyeon scoffed. 'You called me out here just to tell me that?'

'I swear, Jeongyeon. If you take her away from me agai—'

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