Tattoos With The Bae

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*Tobias Pov*

I wake with Tris in my arms. Last night we had the most earth shattering sex possible.

I just sit there awake admiring the beauty thats in my arms.

Soon she stirrs and scoots closer to me but turns her back.

I cuddle up to her and place my head on her shoulder.

I look at the clock and see that it is 12:00. I guess we slept in late.

I love the summer because its like we get to make up all of our sleep that we lost during the school year.

But Tris, she hates the heat..Which I dont understand since she produces fire. I guess thats where her Human traits come from like her mother since she is human.

I dont have Human traits because my mother had healing powers that died out when my father stook a serum in her to stop her from producing powers.

Marcus has healing strength powers but lost it when he accidently stook himself with the serum..Hahahaha.

Again Tris stirs and slowly opens her eyes. 

Belive it or not me and her along with our friends wake up nowhere close to gracefully.

I know one year Uriah woke up with slob on his cheeks, Marlene had crust in her eyes, Will had a charlie horse (Cramp), Lynn had bed hair, Zeke had dried slob that turned white on his mouth.

So yeah. Nobody wakes up fluttering their eyes.

Its just being apart of life. We all do it. So its not akward.

"Are you finally awake?" I ask her

"Mmh" She says nodding her head.

"What time is it?" She asks


She nods and gets out of bed not before putting on my shirt.

She grabs her bag and goes into the bathroom.

I hear the water running on the sink and then it cuts off then the shower cuts on.

She always insits that she brushes her teeth before she gets in the shower and know she has me hooked.

I get up put on my boxers and make the bed then I grab all of Tris scatter clothing and fold them up along with mine and put them neatly on the bed.

I go brush my teeth and go join her in the shower.

"Do you mind washing my back?" Tris says as she turns around and hands me the cloth and soap.

She cleans her own back but she likes it when I do it.

While I wash her back I kiss her neck and soon we are doing the do.

Once we get out I change into a pair of basketball shirts and a V-neck while Tris changes into a blue seamless sports bra, Blue shorts that stops an 1 or 2 inches from her butt that on the butt it says in yellow 'Girls Make Boys Cry', Her Nike ankle black socks.

She puts her hair in a ponytail and plops back on my bed and it looks like she starts texting someone.

I lay down beside her but vertical so my head is on her back and my feet reach the end of my bed. This is a huge bed and I start Texting Zeke.


Hey man did you wake up with a hangover 2?

No. I didnt drink that much

Oh yeah..I forgot yuh kept tryin get in Tris' pants

It was a skirt

Wht ever dude..Where is tris

Here with me she spent the night


Shut up

Me and Zeke talk for a while then I tell him goodbye.

"I can spend the night again...Until Monday..Im still at 'christina's house' but then im at 'Zeke's house' and im here and Chris is with Will...Ugh my parents are so controlling" Tris says as I sit up and she sits up too.

"Well maybe we could do some stuff" I say looking at her lips.

She rolls her eyes and stands up.

"We mister are going out.. I want to get a tattoo" She says

"Again" I say grabbing her wrist gently and turning her around and tapping the Dauntless flames on her lower back "One" I say I turn her around again and tap her side that has the dragon "Two" and lastly the ravens on her collard bone "Three" I say

"You could never have too many. Get dressed" She says as she takes her bag and goes into my closet.

I change into knee length Camo shorts and A Tan Muscle Tank and my Jordan's.

Tris has on high waisted shorts, A Cropped Bustier top, Jordan's, and a purple flannel that she puts on leaving the front open She puts on jewelry and we go to the Tattoo Parlor.


*Tris Pov*

Once we get inside and wait looking through books of designs I finally find a perfect one or ones.

I go into the back with A male looking around 20. He has black hair and Blue eyes. He has a bunch of tattoo's and piercings.

"Is this your first Tattoo?"


"Well this shouldn't hurt much, Where do you want this?"

"Here" I say rolling onto my side and move my crop top up a little so my whole side/ ribcage is exposed.

He nods and gets to work.

When he is finished with this painful crap I get up and walk out and See Tobias finishing up aswell.

I show Tobias my tattoo. Mines is a poem in cursive word and it reads:

Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts.  Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love. But in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again.

As a period at the end it is a heart.

"That is beautiful" He says

"Thanks, What did you get?" I ask

He got a very masculine dream catcher and under it says 

Take A leap of faith and commit fully to what you want...go for it

Thats one of the things that he told me on how he got through life with an Abusive Marcus.

Lastly We get TNT on our wrist for Tris and Tobias.

To end it all I get another tattoo on my calf and it says 

When I first saw you

I was afraid to meet you

When I first met you

I was afraid to kiss you

When I first kissed you

I was afraid to love you, 

But now that I love you

I am afraid to lose you.

Tobias has that matching but it is on his chest right over his heart.

I get my 2nd ear pierced and tongue and we are finished.

Wow I hope my parents dont kill me.


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