Twin Day

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Time skip to spring

*Tris Pov*

"Christtttinnnnaaaa wake up we have school in a hour." I whine smacking Christina's arm. She spent the night last night.

Today at school is twin day at school so me and Christina decided to dress up together as Salt-n-Peppa. Marlene and Shauna is dressing up- well just having matching clothes. Lynn is not doing it and the boys are matching-just clothes.

"Then why are you waking me up now?" She asks.

"Because you take forever now go!" I slap her with my warm hand but it is not on fire. She jumps up and Zaps me. I squeal and we get into a little power fight. Soon we are finished and I am still shaking from being shocked so much and my hair is sticking up due to the static.

She is in the shower and I make up my bed and set out our clothes and I set out my lace red and black bra set. Once she is out I go inside and take my shower and start coughing. Too much scented body wash. Christina on the other side of the door laughs loudly and I groan. I brush my teeth and take my shower with my body wash and when I am finished drying off and lotioning down I put on my bra set.

I go back in to the room and put on a stud in my belly button and I put in chains and studs in my ears filling up all of my holes. Then I put in a black ball in my tongue.

Christina blow dries her hair while I pack up our homework from last night using my moving powers. Christina stretches back into the bedroom and starts to get dressed while I walk into the bathroom and use my moving powers to mosturize my hair and blow dry it taking out the waves and curls. I straighten it and then part it in the middle and curl it. I put on some jet black mascara, eyeliner, and bold red lipstick.

I go back into the bedroom and start to get dressed while Christina stretches back into the bathroom and does her make up. I slide on the all black unitard. It's like a longsleev black tight body suit.

I then put on my gold chain and a Dark red and white varsity jacket and knee high timberland boots. I put on gold rings on my thumb, index, middle, and ring finger but only a thumb on my left and not a index on my left too.

Christina does the same thing and her hair is straighten on her shoulders and curled.

Once she gets dressed and puts in the same number of piercings in like me we go down the steps and head to school.


"Hahaha it looks like I don't have any tattoos" I laugh as me and Christina walk inside the school building.

"Four is going to be all over you in that tight body suit" Christina says gesturing to my butt once we walk inside and go through the freshmen hallway to the staircase that leads to the top floor for the seniors.

"Well the same for Will he is not going to be able to take his hands off of you, like any other time. I swear all you guys do is make out. You guys NEVER talk..just tonsel hockey" I say with a laugh.

"Omg Tris I know you can't be talking, bruh, you and Four stay missing" She says as she puts in her combo in her locker. I do the same and my face flushes brightly and I gasp.

"Did I ever tell you that our parents- well my mom- kinda walked in on us" I say as I shut my locker and walk over to her.

"No" She says her eyes wide and I nod my head.

"Yeah well we were just in my room doing homework and it just happend. My mom walked in and she asked him to stay for dinner and we just talked about dad. I don't know what my dad feelings were. It was mixed emotions. I was so embarrased" I say and she giggles.

"Are you clothes still shrunk?" She asks

"Yep. Tight. But he is just a hormonal boy.....a dead hormonal boy" I say and she laughs and we walk into the loud class room and have a seat in the back.

"Heyyyy" Shauna says as she waves her hand. She and Marlene have on a thing one and thing two shirt and jeans with timberlands.

Lynn is just in regular clothes.

"Where are the boys?" I asks

"They are not here yet." Just as she finishes the boys walk into the room. Zeke is wearing a T-shirt with BRO 1 on it and Tobias has BRO 2. Uriah and Will is wearing a shirt that has Spiderman (and he really is) on it and Uriah is wearing Superman.

I smile when I see them, They look so adorable.

Lynn laughs, I forgot that she can read minds.

"Yeah Tris, Most people do" She says and I roll my eyes and glare at her in a playful way.

Tobias sits beside me and I throw my legs over his lap and I hug him.

"You look cute" I laugh nosing his neck with. He smiles and kisses my lips.


"P.E!" Uriah dances all the way to the gym. Tobias hand is wrapped around my waist and it keeps traveling further and further and further. I gasp and slap his hand away. He laughs and places it back on my waist.

"Spring break is next week" Al reads a sheet that was on the wall as we walk inside.

"Turn up" Zeke says and we agree. Our spring break is For Three weeks. That is amazing.

"I love you" I jump into Tobias' arms and he laughs and throws me over his shoulder. I scream and we walk to our bleacher section. Well I have a different teacher just the same gym period.

He sets me at my section and kisses my lips and takes three steps and now he is in his. I laugh and turn around and talk to the girls.

"Good Afternoon guys. Today we are not dressing out we are just going to be chilling and playing tug of war...let your teachers take attendance and then we will start" Coach Amar says in to the speaker and then turns it off walking over to us. He does attendance and now we just chill.

Coach Harris turns on some black eyed peas and it is imma be.

"Imma be chilling with my motha_ crew" The song says and I fall into Christina's arms.

"Put em' in a coffin"

I laugh and go down the steps on the other side. Today it is Coach Amars girls vs. Coach Jackson's girls.


"Awww" We whine. I have all of the girls from our gang with us and then all the thots and haters on that side.

"Remember....It is the girls hair that you are pulling not the rope....just imagine and we could win" Shauna says and I burst out laughing

"I call Cara!" I say

"Awe but I wanted her" Marlene says "Fine I got Lauren"

"I got Nita"

"I got Thotiana"


We start to pull and we are winning so far. Since I am in the front. I can see the girls struggle faces and I start to laugh. I have tears running down my face. I can hardly pull. We finnally pull and they let go. I just stand there laughing hard.

"We Won!"

When it is time for the boys to go all Tobias did was the slightest tug and they all fell.

"THATS NOT FAIR" the other team protest.

I just laugh and run into Tobias' arms.

This is the best school year ever.

Sorry for the sucky chapter guys. But next is spring break.

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