Lil' Sis Birthday

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*Tris Pov*

So these past couple of days have been running smoothly and no parents suspected anything so far.

Hopefully. Never.

Today is Jade's birthday and we are supposed to be going to the park. Outside. Coincidence right?

"Tris come on! We have to start setting up!" Mom yells up the steps.

I groan and push my face into the pillow more. I. am. so. tired.

I go to sleep and think that I am off the hook until I feel wind on my legs.

I open my eyes and see mom over my bed and she ripped the covers off of me.

"Time to get up darling."

"We don't ever do all this stuff when it is my birthday. Only go out to eat and chill." I roll off my bed landing on my stomach.

I crawl into the bathroom and I hear mom chuckling and walking into the hallway.

I take a long shower and almost fall asleep.

When I am finished I come out and dry off and brush my teeth.

I put on leather leggings, A black long sleeve shirt with leather sleeves, black Kd's and one of Tobias snap backs that he left here. 

I brush through my hair and put in sections and I flatten it with the flatten iron and then I put the snap back on backwards and I put on some mascara, eyeliner, and a little pink lip gloss but its definitely noticable.

I grab my crossbody pocketbook and fill it up with things I need which is only a little bit of things.

I go downstairs and see everyone running hetic and Jade running around with nothing but her diaper on.

I sigh and grab her and she hits my hand.


She is in the "No" stage (This is dedicated to my little cousin and it is so freaking annoying).

I hit her back and take her upstairs.

I decide to put her in something stylish.

Baby blue Acid washed baby jeans, A White shortsleeve, Her matching baby blue and white jordans and her jean jacket thats baby blue and acid washed.

"All Done" I hold out my hand and she high fives it.

My phone rings and I take it out of my back pocket.

It's Christina.


"Hey Trissy Poo!"It's everyone.

"Whats up guys?"

"We were wonder do you want to go to the mall with us?"

"Um, Today is my sister's birthday. We are going to the park. Sorry guys" I say


"I'm in for the food. Your family can cook their butts off" I hear Uriah say in the background.

I hear 2 smacks.

"Right Dude" Tobias and Zeke say as the same time so I am assuming they were giving high fives.

"Anyways. Where is this party at?" Marlene says.

"It's at um....MA! WHERE ARE WE GOING?" I yell.


"3 lakes park" I say into the phone.

"OUCH! Yeah we herd" Christina says

"Okay then. See you at the park in 30mins" I say

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