Chapter Two

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Reader's POV:

The sad, melancholy sound of a piano seemed to fill the entire apartment. It was about noon, the dull light through the dirty windows gave the space a very musty feel, even if it smelled like vanilla and butterscotch. The apartment was cluttered with all kinds of musical instruments. Two electric pianos were leaning against the wall, a ukelele sat on the bottom of a shelf in the corner next to the television a guitar case was open, no guitar however. It was on the grey couch, two strings weren't tied and lay curled up by the head of the neck. It was nice, cedar wood with drawings all over it, making it a kind of canvas.

As a matter of fact, there were paintings and pictures everywhere in the apartment. Most of them being landscape acrylic paintings with the exception of a few pencil sketches of random people. The lines were heavy, with every detail accounted for and every pencil stroke having a purpose in the peace. Most of the colors were darker and desaturated in hue, giving them a warm feeling.

There was another piano, this one electric as well, but it was bigger than the other ones leaning against the wall. It had all eighty-eight keys and was set up on a bulk stand to support the weight of itself and the pile of papers sitting on the music stand. The hands moving over the keys belonged to the girl sitting at the stool. Her (h/c) (h/s) hair was halfway pulled up into a small bun at the top her her head, her eyes shifted downwards as to see what it was she was doing, her hands shifting from a Bb minor chord into an Ab major chord. It was a downwards transition, something that sounded more of an angry sad than the melacholic sad that she had played a few moments ago. The girl lifted her hands from the keyboard, trying to figure out where to go from there. She was in the key of Bb minor, based on the first chord, so based on that, she could either go down to Gb major or go up to Db major. Picking up a pencil, she wrote down the chords in order: Bb minor, Ab major, Gb major, Db major, F minor.

Before she could finish anything more, the girl was interrupted by her cell phone ringing from the kitchen counter, which wasn't that far away from her considering the small size of the apartment. She got up and walked a few stes before looking at who it was. It was (F/N), someone who had been right by her side since fourth grade. She slid the green button to the right and put the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"(Y/N)!" Came the loud voice of (F/N) over the phone.

"It's noon, why are you so excited?" She asked, sitting back down at the chair in front of the piano, pulling her legs up under her to sit cross-legged.

"Because of the open mic at the bar I work at!" (Y/N) could almost feel the ecstacy through the cell phone. "Do you remember where it is?"

"It's the Cherry Stem off of Winston, right?" She took a guess, using her free hand to write down a melody she could try out later if she had time.

"Yeah! It's almost like a contest too, the one who does the best gets the prize of two hundred dollars, but it's mostly for others to just share there music."

(Y/N) thought for a moment before responding. "Sounds interesting, I might as well come and give you a tip."

"The hell are you talking about? You should perform, not just watch, dumbass."

She sighed heavily. "My music is almost never done, you know that."

"What about the one you showed me the other day when I was over, what's it called..." There was a small pause and humming as she tried to remember what it was called. "Wasn't it 'Burning'?"

"It's called 'Blue'," (Y/N) corrected. "Besides, it's still not done, it needs a bridge." She shifted through the papers on the stand, trying to find the lyrics for the song (F/N) was talking about. There was an open space between words where a bridge could go.

"I'm sure you could figure it out, you're amazing at this stuff! Besides, didn't you rewrite that Britney Spears song a while ago to make it more... I don't know, longing?"

(Y/N) laughed, always finding funny how (F/N) tried to always relate to music terms. "I turned Toxic into a ballad only for the memes, (F/N)."

"Either way, (Y/N), you need to go tonight, I'm sure you'll win!"

She sighed, rubbing her eyebags with the heel of her palms. God, she thought. (F/N) was always trying to push her to be more open, but most of the time, to her admittance, it benefitted her. (Y/N) hated the fact, but it just worked out right with what she wanted her to do.

"Alright, I'll go."

There was a scream from the other side of the room. "I knew after some convincing you'd go! It starts at five tonight, but be there early! The employees have to set up for each performance, which means lugging a grand piano up a flight of steps."

"Sounds grand," (Y/N) said without thinking. She then took a breath and slapped her forehead against the paper she was looking at. "Did I just-"


"I did."

"You did."

"I'll see you later, (F/N)."

"Love you, bitch."



Click. The sound of the hangup was very comforting after (Y/N)'s unintentional pun. She put her face in her hands and muffled a scream erupted from within her. Goddamn she was ashamed of herself.

After taking a breath and brushing it aside, she looked at the paper in her hands, now slightly wrinkled from her holding it so tight. Scribbles were all over it, scrapped lyrics and parts that were more than likely going to be used in other songs. Most of them had similar words, however the melodies were different. It created unity within most of (Y/N)'s songs, something she wanted.

She set the paper down on the stand in front of everything else and took a good look at the chords she'd writted. A minor, C major, F major and G major. Simple repeat except for the hook, which went from A minor to C major to E minor and then to F major.

(Y/N) rubbed her face with her hands, trying to fully wake herself up. She then rest them on the keyboard, pressing on the keys and releasing the sound of her emotions.

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