Chapter Five

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A/N: Yo I hate author's notes but I need to address a few things I suppose.

1. Chapter Four was named chapter five due to the fact that I was a retard and looked at the part number instead of the title of the document and did basic math. hAH.

2. Certain songs in here are actually written by me and have actual compositions to accompany them. I would post them so you guys know what each song sounds like but guess what? I'm a pussy and hate sharing my voice with people because it's actually ass. Sorry.

But the songs in here are actually written by me and are NOT to be used without my permission. Please respect my wishes, now enjoy the chapter!



Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

(Y/N) now knew why the girl looked familiar, she was a famous guitarist from a famous band with famous music full of famous people. Of course everyone knew her, she was famous.

For God's sake, she should've known her just by looking at her. She has that signature look to her that should be immediately recognizable. It might have just been that she was busy reciting her music, but it doesn't take an idiot to recognize someone famous, and looking out into the crowd behind the curtain she could see the other three members of the band sitting near the front. Murdoc, sitting on the right, was wearing a striped sweater and black skinny jeans, of course with the shirt tucked in to make him look like someone's annoying uncle. Next to him on the left was Russel, who was wearing a wool beanie, black shirt and baggy blue jeans, an intrigued look on his face that was nothing compared to the excitement seen in Murdoc's for whatever reason. Beside Russel was 2D, who was turning his head back and forth as if looking for something. His black polo shirt with bananas on it and stone wash jeans gave him a very retro 80s look. His bright blue hair definitely made him stand out in a crowd, and when it whipped around as he looked directly at her, she pulled back behind the curtain quickly, not wanting to look like a creep.

As it was, (Y/N) was being pulled back by a pair of rough hands. Facing her handler, she could see it was Dominic, whose black hair was falling over his bright eyes, which were aglow with an emotion she couldn't quite identify, but she pushed it aside and smiled at him as he began to talk through his own grin.

"You were great! I didn't know you could do that!" After he began talking, many others began to crowd around the two as music began to flood the stage as Noodle started to play. (Y/N) did her best to hear over the others talking, and it sounded like Broken from the Plastic Beach album.

"Do what?" She responded, not quite sure what exactly Dominic meant by that comment.

"Play the piano and totally dominate the stage," he yelled excitedly, throwing his hands up in the air and then back down at his side.

Rubbing her shoulders, (Y/N) couldn't help but frown. "I didn't really dominate the stage, I just helped with the melody a little bit, you were flat." She decided Dominic was too handsy.

In almost a split-second, something flashed over the man's face, something dark, but it disappeared before someone could notice. "It happens to everyone," he replied blandly. And while he seemed to shrug it off, something in his demeanor. He didn't smile and he didn't laugh more than he had to. (Y/N) watched as he sat down in the far corner and sipped on something one of the bartenders gave to him, staring at the wall.

Now that the crisis was over, she was able to turn and watch just as Noodle began to transition into the verse, going an octave higher than the original recording in order to suit her voice better.

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