Chapter Four

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Reader's POV:

Time seemed to tick by slowly as everybody else played their part on the stage. The Rifles and Daisies had a huge argument outside the bar and only the drummer had come back inside, sitting in the corner with his arms crossed, staring at his phone. (Y/N) could tell that other acts were nervous as well. Amanda and Ryan had already gone. The girl had come backstage crying, blubbering about how she missed notes and had to skip a part. (Y/N) believed Amanda was being slightly overdramatic, but when she first started piano, she couldn't help but admit that she did almost the same thing. Yet then again she was also seven. Ryan had come back confident, unlike his predecessor of the stage. He actually seemed too cocky.

Up on stage at the moment was Kadie, halfway through her song. She was singing One in a Million by Midnight to Monaco. It was an odd song with chords in strange places, although it seemed to work well with the message.

"And I was holding, burning, waking, turning

Tasting blood and losing time

I want to get a hold of myself

Baby, I was one in a million.

I want to get a hold of myself

Baby, I was one in a million."

With the repeat of the last two lines, Kadie finished her song. Her voice was slick and smooth, with the exception of a few out-of-key notes in the beginning, which might have been from nerves. The audience erupted into huge applause, and a giggle went into the mic and through the speakers. Overpowering the ruckus of the bar.

(Y/N) looked out of the corner of her eye once she made it backstage. Her blonde hair was spilling around her face and her brown eyes were lit up like stars, and a huge smile was spread across her thin face. (Y/N) had to admit that she was pretty, and it made her run through her (H/C) hair self-consciously.

"Next onstage is Dominic, this young man will be singing a song for us. Please welcome him to the stage, everybody!" The eruption of applause as a young man, maybe just shy of twenty-one, left the backstage and entered onstage. The rest of the performers had gathered around the doorway, watching to see what he would do. (Y/N) noticed he looked nervous, the stage lights shining down on his black hair and ignited the sweat on his upper lip.

When the track started, (Y/N) didn't recognize it, although she recognized the chords: Cm, Fm, Eb, and G with a bass note of D. And when he started to sing, it surprised her how low and yet airy his vocals were. It carried such emotion as well.

"Oh my sweet torment

No point in fighting since you always win

I'm just a worthless being without her

I walk the subway all alone

With still nowhere to go."

People in the back had begun to way with the music, (Y/N) included. The way his voice blended with the track was something stellar to her ears.

"Please give me one last chance

To hide the pain and start again

So I can run away and forget

My sweet-"

Right then, the track froze, playing the last half a second over and over again. Confused, many of the people backstage began to swivel their heads towards the sound team. (Y/N) could see that they were frantic, two people were unplugging the device playing the backing track and another one was trying to switch the input, so there wasn't any sound.

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