Chapter Three

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Reader's POV:

The bar was much bigger than she had expected. Then again, Cherry Stem used to be a Vitamin store before the previous owners had a lawsuit against them involving drugs, so they had to strip the place in order to find everything. That's why it was bare when it was bought, the bar, kitchen, and stage being set up after it was sold. People still make jokes, saying that one day they'll find crack laced in the drinks. It's far fetched, but get a laugh out of people.

(Y/N) had taken a seat backstage in the corner, her phone in one hand, her music in the other, and guitar case laid across her lap. She had decided not to perform "Blue" for the sole reason it wasn't completed. Instead, she had chosen another song to perform that was more complete, as simple as it was. It was titled "Judgement" with a simple waltz time that didn't differentiate all that much except for the bridge.

Looking up from her music, (Y/N) cast her eyes on everyone else in the back room with her. There was a young man with a trumpet - of all instruments, a girl shadow practicing piano, a band seemingly getting their shit together at the last minute, a few other people, and a young lady with a guitar, her bangs slightly covering her eyes as not to read her expression. The girl looked slightly familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on why. She was looking over lyrics, whispering quietly to herself. (Y/N) noticed her voice was a raspy soprano, and she decided she enjoyed it. However, she couldn't make out the words she was saying.

Sighing, (Y/N) was starting to feel nervous. She could already hear the crowd gathering for the opening act, which thankfully wasn't her. It was the band, who had already begun to down a few drinks with courtesy of the waitress that kept coming back behind stage asking for drinks. Thankfully, she was one of the last people to go. She took a breath, running her fingers through her (H/S) hair, calming it a little bit before the curtains opened.

After a few minutes, the owner of the bar entered the back room. He had a huge smile on his face that lit up his dark eyes, contrasting against the lightness of his blonde hair. "Alright, everyone, gather around. I have some last minute things to go over."

After everyone had assembled in a circle around him, he continued excitedly. "Alright, now our first act to go onstage tonight will be the band... er... 'Rifles and Daisies?'" There was an extremely loud shout from the five members in the back who made up the band, waving their instruments in the air. "Now after them is Amanda on piano, Ryan on the trumpet...? Uh... Kadie on the piano as well, Dominic singing with a backing track, Noodle...? On the guitar, and then (Y/N) on the guitar as well."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Noodle turn to look at her. She wasn't sure if it was a neutral stare or something with wonder or hatred, but she didn't bother to look over and try to get a glimpse. (Y/N) wanted to stay to herself.

"Alright!" The bartender interrupted. "Rifles and Daisies will go onstage in five minutes. Get sobered up and go make music, why don't you?" With that, he left the back room, slamming the door shut behind him.

The room almost instantly erupted into commotion amongst the performers, that is except for (Y/N). Before she had a chance to sit down, however, the door swung open again and in came a smiling (F/N), her hair pulled back into a bun by bar protocol and her eyes lit up upon seeing her friend's face. "(Y/N)!" She shouted, even if she was only about five feet away.

After being strangled in a hug, (Y/N) was able to answer. "Hey there."

"Are you excited?" She asked.

"More nervous than excited," (Y/N) admitted. "But thank you for asking."

"You'll do fine, Blue is a great song!"

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