Small World

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'Minho-ah, hurry up. We're late for school.' Onew shouted for Minho who was running as fast as he could to the two brothers and reached them within a minute.

'I'm sorry...I--' Minho said out of breath.

'Breathe, Dude, breath.' Jonghyun interrupted his friend, rubbing his back.

'Sorry, I had to buy something before coming here.' Minho explained.

'What's so important that you had to buy it so early in the morning?' Onew asked as the boys started to walk to school.

'Banana milk' Minho answered.

'Since when do you drink milk? Did you become a cat? ' Jonghyun teased.

'It isn't for me, you smartass.' Minho answered. 'It's for a friend.'

'You're friend is a cat?' Onew asked, laughing.

'No, he isn't. Seriously, you nags were undoubtedly brothers.' Minho said, annoying.

'Yeah, we are.' Jonghyun and Onew said at the same time while embracing each other, laughing.

'No shit Minho, who is the banana milk for?' Jonghyun asked curiously.

'It's for a friend as my apology.' Minho answered and thought of Taemin. He hadn't seen the younger for days because of the weekend and that made him feel more terrible than he actually was. Since the accident in Mr. Kim's class Minho couldn't stop thinking of Taemin. He tried hardly to understand why he acted so weird in front of the little boy. When he was with Taemin his cheeks got hotter, his heart beat faster and he wasn't able to think straight. He still couldn't understand why he said such thing to Taemin. The younger boy was like an amplifier that reinforced every emotions of Minho. Being with Taemin, Minho got easier happy, sad or angry and that scared him. He didn't like the feeling not being able to control himself.

'See ya, Tae' Key said, waving at his best friend.

'See you at lunch, umma' Taemin waved back and nervously walked toward his class room. The first period was math, his favorite subject, but after his classmates knew about his dammed talent, he was scared to face them. When he entered the room, a group of boys and girls was waiting for him at his desk. 'Welcome back, old times!' He thought bitterly.

'Hey Taemin' the boy in the middle spoke as he spotted Taemin.

'G-Good morning' Taemin stuttered.

'Hey, ya know. I knew I had met you before and now I remembered. You went to the Seoul Internaional Middle School, didn't you?' The boy asked.

'Y-Yes, I did. How do you know?'

'See, told ya.' The mysterious boy said to his friends and looked at Taemin. 'I was your classmate.' No. 'Shindong, do you remember?' NO NO NO, not him, not Shindong, please not. How could this happen? The memories came back to his mind and Taemin could feel it got harder to breathe.

'S-Shindong?' Taemin said, trying to hide is fear.

'Yes, Shin Dong Hee, Shindong.' Shindong laughed, rubbed the back of his head. 'I lost a lot of kilos and now I look much better, I know, but YOU, you didn't change at all, still being too good in math and that's so—'

'GREAT' A familiar voice finished Shindong's sentence. Everybody turned around to see who it was.

'Good morning Minho oppa' 'What's up, Minho?' They said.

'Morning everyone' Minho said and turned to Taemin. ' Taemin is so smart and don't forget he saved us the last time. He's brilliant, isn't he?' Minho wrapped his arm around Taemin's shoulder like he was protecting the younger boy.

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