Butterflies εїз

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"I'm sorry, I can't." Taemin answered without thinking.

Great, just great. It was the first time Minho had asked someone out, and the answer he got was a cold "no". Dara noona would nag him about this till the end of his life.

"Oh, I see," was all Minho could say at that moment. What else could he tell Taemin?

"Hey, I like you, pretty much, so please please please go out with me"? No, that didn't sound like him at all.

"It sounds like fun, hyung."

Then, why are you saying no?

"But Key umma said I'm too young for dating." Taemin said.

Damn you, Key, you overprotective umma.

"But you're not a kid anymore." Minho argued.

"Umma had already warned me that whoever asks me out would say that."

I'm gonna talk to that Diva, I swear.

Realizing it didn't make sense to argue anymore, Minho told the younger boy goodbye before going home. Even though Taemin had rejected him, somehow he felt relief, since it was because of Kibum, and not Taemin. Anyway, whatever the reason was, Minho was a fighter, and he would never give up so easily.

I better ask the dating master for help.

"Achoo!" Jonghyun sneezed. He was sitting on the living room's couch, staring at his phone. The picture of a cute sleeping Key on the screen was almost hypnotizing the Dino.


The morning light that came through the curtain landed on Jonghyun's face, waking him up. The Dino slowly opened his eyes, taking a deep breath. He felt so fresh that morning. He hadn't slept so well for a long time. Had his bed always been so soft, and his blanket so warm?

Last night, Jjong had a really weird dream, in which he had woken up in the middle of the night and had found a giant teddy bear that looked like Kibum lying next to him. So he had hugged it to sleep the whole night. Jjong grinned at the thought of that dream. The Key-bear was warmer and softer than any of the ordinary stuffed animals. Oh yeah, and it was big and looked exactly like...

"Kibum?" Jonghyun mentally screamed in his mind as he turned to his right side, finding the peacefully sleeping beauty. Key was lying next to him, and their faces were so close that Jjong could even feel Key's warm breath. The Dino stared at Key's pretty face, wondering how it was possible for a boy to be so pretty, and have such long eyelash, flawless skin and plumpy, kissable lips. Wait. Kissable?

Finally, Jonghyun remembered last night. The boy smiled at the memory of Key's soft lips against his own. So it wasn't a dream, and the Key-like teddy bear was real? The sudden thought of the dream caused Jjong to blush since the Dino remembered clearly the feeling of Key's warm body in his arms. It felt so right to hug the Key-bear.

"Hmm." Jonghyun heard the pretty boy next to him make a small noise. Not wanting to wake Key up, Jjong quietly took a picture of Kibum's angelic sleeping face before standing up, closing the curtain so that the lights wouldn't disturb the Diva's sleep.


The thought of their date made Jonghyun feel weird. It was indescribable. Suddenly, he was feeling hot and was breathing fitfully. His heart jumped too fast -way too fast- and too loud. On top of that, he felt something unfamiliar in his stomach. It wasn't pain, but it felt like something fluttering. Maybe butterflies? No way, because then it would mean that Jonghyun was falling for Kibum and that wasn't supposed to happen. The plan was to make the Diva fall for him. Then, Onew wouldn't leave Korea, and then finally Jjong could break Key's heart for revenge. Yes, that was the plan. Jonghyun was definitely not having any unusual feelings towards the other boy, even though Key was so... gorgeous... funny... cute... and s-

Wait? Why am I thinking about him?

At that thought, the feeling of pain in his stomach was back.

Something is wrong with me. I need a doctor.

And with that, the Dino called his family doctor.
Within 15 minutes, a middle-aged man appeared. Jonghyun explained how sick he was feeling and how weird the pain in his stomach was. The doctor performed a ton of tests and according to him, everything was fine with Jjong.

"Didn't you hear me? I said I'm not feeling well. I can't even breathe normally. Do something." Jonghyun said, almost yelled, at the man.

"Mr. Kim, I can't find anything wrong with you. The only theory that left is an allergy. If you want, we can do an allergy test." The doctor explained.

"Good idea. That must it be. It must be an allergy." The Dino said.

Minho got out of his car which was stopped in front of his best friend's house mansion. He went toward the entrance and was about to ring the bell when suddenly the door opened and the Kim family's doctor walked out.

After asking the Dino if he was feeling well and listening to the other boy complain about how incompetent the doctor was, Minho finally found the chance to explain his own problem.

"Dude, you really like that banana milk kid?" Jonghyun asked, not stopping to laugh at his friend.

"Yes, I do. Now keep your 'I knew it' for yourself and help me." Minho said, sighing. Jonghyun was his best friend, but that still didn't change the fact that the Dino could be annoying, and Minho was absolutely not in the mood for Jjong's childish teasing.

"You, frog, aren't really stupid as you look like, my friend. You asked the right person for help." Jonghyun said proudly.

"So what should I do?" Minho asked impatiently.

"Call him," said Jjong simply.

"Excuse me, Mr. Dating specialist said what?" The frog-like boy yelled in surprise.

"Ouch, my ears. Calm down and call him. Now." Jonghyun repeated, emphasizing the word 'now'.

Minho sighed but did as his friend asked. He was confused, yes. However, all he wanted at that moment was to do something that made Taemin change his mind. Besides, he trusted his friend, even though it was Jonghyun. Plus, hey, he didn't have another option.

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