08: match one

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     monday, the twenty-fourth of april 2012
sendai city gymnasium

It had been just over two weeks since the weekend practice which had your arms begging for mercy after long periods of time spent receiving and it was, finally, the day in which all that you've learnt is put to the test. Yes, indeed, it was time for the Middle School Preliminaries where your team and the boy's team of Kitagawa Daiichi will go up against other schools in the Miyagi prefecture.

You waited on a bench for warm-ups to start. Your heart was pounding with excitement and worry - on the outside, you put up the façade of a strong leader (as the other girls were convinced that you had everything under control), but on the inside, you were a panicking mess. Tonnes of 'what if' questions swirled around your mind, bringing your confidence down by the second. What if I forget everything once I get on the court? What if someone else messes up? What if we don't make it to nationals? What if Shiratorizawa are watching and decide to revoke my scholarship-

"Oi, (name)!" Called Rin while Aoi did her almost spot-on impression of James Charles doing the 'whomp whomp whomp' in the background. She patted your shoulder, almost aggressively. "I can tell that you're worried, and I've come to tell you that it's all ok. It's only the preliminaries. Yes, we'll all be upset that we've lost, but it's experience, y'know?"

"Thanks," you replied, letting your façade fall for a split second. Rin smiled. "I hope that we do win, though. I have faith in us."

Rin didn't stop smiling as she turned around to comfort a sobbing Rio. You looked back to the court from where you were seated and watched as one of the rival teams practiced their spikes. Yukigaoka Middle School was a school that neither you or anyone on your team had ever heard of, and their female team looked like a bunch of pansies. None of them were that strong when they spiked, and their setter continuously got the timing and force wrong when they tossed the ball. Luckily, they were your first opponents, so you'd have an easy time. It was whether your team could compose themselves.

     Someone blew a whistle, signalling the beginning of the first match. It was Izumidate vs. Seikoudai, and the captain of Izumidate looked ready - in fact, she was the only person on her team who looked ready. Seikoudai looked very intimidating; their members were all on the tall side and they were all tough-looking. As they all lined up, you watched as Seikoudai jumped from one foot to the other in preparation whereas Izumidate just shuffled in nervousness. You could tell who was going to win from the beginning.

     Around forty five minutes later, the sets ended, and Seikoudai had won. They had barely even broke a sweat. Izumidate, however, looked tired and devastated that they had lost in the first round. And the captain looked rather embarrassed, too.

As your match was after three more games, you decided to wander over to the boy's gym and see Oikawa. Hopefully he wouldn't be playing.

Once you walked in, you noticed that the boys' teams were ten times more intimidating than the girls'. Everywhere you looked, there was a boy taller than you. They all looked rather strange and a tad bit dodgy - so you speed-walked all the way over to where the main court was. You spotted Oikawa talking cheerily to Iwaizumi on the court furthest to the right. There was also another boy who was quite shorter than Oikawa and Iwa with dark brown hair and nice legs.

"Hello," you greeted. Oikawa and Iwaizumi turned to look at you. Iwaizumi greeted you back with a smile and Oikawa just grinned. The boy they were talking to also said hello.

"This is Daichi," Oikawa said, gesturing to this 'Daichi'. "He's from Izumidate. We're playing his school next."

"Ah, hello, Daichi. I see you're all trying to learn a thing or two from each other to make the match easier?" You replied, smiling and looking up at all of them. Iwaizumi laughed.

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