Blood Rivers and Ash Winds

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"What the hell do you mean when you say you were forced into helping those bastards?" I said in an extremely calm voice.

And to the people who know me, that is a VERY bad thing.

"I told you damn it! My creator forced all of his children to help them!" He screamed.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.I was too tired to deal with this.

"Come on, Philip, let's get you to my freind."

He gulped. "Um... who e-exactly is y-your freind."

"Alex Fridley."

"Eep," was all he got out before I knocked on Alex's door. Alex opened the door with a grin, no shirt and sex ruffled hair.

He opened up with, "Too tired to do an interrogatio-ooh. That... is not a good look. Go get some sleep, you idiot.  Or better yet-"

"Say it and I break your hands." I interrupted. He grinned.

"Go, I'll take care of this guy."

"Thanks, man. I owe you one."

"No shit, my freind."

He closed the door. I walked over to my room, stumbled in to my bed, and immediately konked out. I did try to use my Painscream powers to see if he was telling the truth or not, but I was way too tired to do so.

And, of course, my grandfather doesn't know when to leave me the FUCK alone.

I was at the Pack Mansion in the Dreamworld. Coming torwards me was my grandfather and Seeker with frowns on their faces.

They hadn't called me in over a year, so what the friggin' hell do they want now?

My grandfather opened up with, "Do you remember Hurricane Katrina, Blade?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You need the elemental that caused it in the upcoming battle."

My response? "You know, I really hate you right now."

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