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Aberdeen Washington, 1987October 11thGrays Harbor Community Hospital

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Aberdeen Washington, 1987
October 11th
Grays Harbor Community Hospital

Meadow and Kurt studied each other like it was their first time seeing one another again. On some scale, it kind of was considering the argument was only one of many that they would eventually have. At this point, they didn't know who was going to say what, so they just let stuff flow. Kurt spoke first.

"I shouldn't have demanded for you to tell me anything. What's your business should stay your business and I'm sorry."

Meadow scoffed, "You're sorry? You have no reason to be, I was the one that got all stubborn when I could've just told you what was up. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be me."

"Well, I guess you can say we're both sorry then. I take ninety nine point nine percent of the apology though." She looked at him and laughed, she wasn't at war with her mind anymore. She hated fighting with anyone, especially Kurt now.

"So pizza? Isn't that like bad for your appendix?" Kurt hesitated, "I'm not trying to invade or anything, just curious." He face palmed himself, "I'm doing it again, shit."

"Kurt, calm down," She reached over to put her hand on his arm reassuringly, "They didn't really say anything anyway, and I wasn't about to eat the shitty food here, so Pres headed out to buy me something. You're more than welcome to have some."

His eyes lit up like a boy heading into a candy shop for the first time. Meadow guessed it might be due to the fact that he hadn't eaten all that much due to his stomach so this was really nice for him.

Kurt hurriedly grabbed a plate and set about six slices on it. He instantly started piling them into his mouth like there was no tomorrow.

"Hey, slow your roll cowboy. You might choke, and the rooms next to me are both taken." She laughed and handed him a bottle of water. He took it and chugged it about halfway before moving onto his next slice.

"You guys have some real nice taste in cuisine."

"Thanks, it's been our usual since we were fetuses. I still love it and she does too, so we always get the same thing."

"I love the insight into your private pizza life, thanks for letting me in on that top secret stuff." They laughed and she gave him a playful nudge. Kurt widened his eyes and threw the pizza to the floor, he grabbed Meadow.

"I almost forgot, holy shit. Okay, so you know how I've been working on Pen Cap Chew with Krist and Dave?"


"We have a gig! It's at the Pine Street Theatre, and I really want you to be there," Kurt smiled shyly, "Then again, you were the one that got us our drummer. It's October 15, so you'll be out of the hospital by then."

Meadow couldn't help but gawk over the boyish smile on his face and how his cheeks puffed up along with it. She wasn't going to say no to him, especially when it was this important to him.

"Of course I'll be there, wouldn't miss it for anything. Presley and I can be in the front row, we'll just-" Kurt shook his head intensely.

"No, you guys are gonna be backstage of course. I don't want you guys getting pushed around or anything."

"How many people are gonna be there?"

"Well, I think about 8,000 or so? I'm not sure yet."

Meadow was in shock at how nonchalant Kurt was acting.


"Yeah? Do you not wanna go now because-."

"No no, I'll be there definitely. What I'm asking or stating rather is that many people are coming for you guys?" Kurt's facial expression changed as he was trying to re-examine the question.

"No, well I mean yeah, but not really. We're opening for Sonic Youth." Meadow grabbed Kurt's hand forcefully with widened eyes.

"The Sonic Youth, as in the band that you were obsessing over to me a while ago? 'Teen Age Riot' Sonic Youth?"

"That's the one M, yeah it still hasn't sunk in either. This could be a big break for us though, I can't believe they picked us out of all the other local bands."

Meadow knew exactly why Kim and Thurston had picked them. They saw the same potential that she had seen in them. She was beyond happy for him, but it looked like he was still dazed.

"Hey," She nudged him, "You okay? I'd expect you to be jumping over the moon about this. Something else going on?"

"I don't know Meadow," Kurt looked down, "What if I screw up? I could totally eat it while I'm walking on stage, or I could fuck up every single lyric."

"Kurt," Meadow propped up on her bed, "You've been doing gigs for a bit now. I know you'll do fine, and even if you 'eat it' going up on stage, you'll still kick butt as soon as you open your mouth. They're gonna love you."

Kurt looked up with the biggest grin known to man. He reveled in the fact that he could always confide in Meadow and she'd know what to say.

"You never fail M." He leaned in to kiss her cheek, but before he could sit back down Meadow had grabbed him and their lips connected. It was like an electric shock whenever he was near her, but somehow a kiss felt like lightning slapping an oak tree down.

They pulled away leaving both of them breathless.

"What was that for?" Kurt was smiling like a little boy arriving at his first baseball game. Meadow had a smirk slightly growing on her face.

"I don't know Cobain, guess I'm just proud of you." They smiled at each other and spent the rest of the night eating pizza and making up different scenarios for the upcoming gig.

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