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Aberdeen, Washington 1987October 21stRigatoni's

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Aberdeen, Washington 1987
October 21st

Kurt ran up to the passenger side to open up the door for Meadow. She laughed, "You didn't have to do that Cobain." She climbed in and he shut the door behind her. She laughed at the sight of him skipping over to the drivers side. Kurt climbed in quickly, "It's part of the date, I'm supposed to do things like that," He faced Meadow, "You ready?" Meadow nodded, fastened her seatbelt along with Kurt and off they went.

The drive was pretty smooth, Kurt put in one of his cassettes and Get Back by The Beatles started blaring through his car. Meadow screamed over the noise, "I love this song!" Kurt watched in admiration as she sang through the whole song and occasionally making mannerisms to match the beat.  After the song was over, they arrived at the restaurant.

Meadow hopped out of the car, but Kurt called her back whining. "Meadow, I'm supposed to let you out." She shushed him, "Kurt, nobody made that a rule for a first date. It's cute and all, but I can let myself out of a car." Kurt sighed and hopped out, he locked the door behind him.

They walked up to the front entrance and it wasn't totally packed, but you could tell people had been there. There was an elderly couple infront of them that were arguing. "Damnit Bob, I told you that you had to call in beforehand." The man shifted his head towards his wife, "Ethel, it'll be okay. Step to the side so these two kids can go."

Kurt and Meadow were trying hard to hold back laughter. Ethel looked at Meadow, "How long have you two been together?"

"Oh, we aren't really together yet. We've only known each other about a month."

"What are you waiting for? Just by looking at you two, I see a deep care for the other. Don't wait, be in-love with each other for as long as you can. Love is God's greatest gift to human beings." Meadow smiled looking down while Kurt was just standing there turning red. Bob and Ethel went to go wait for a new spot and Meadow and Kurt went up to the waiter.

"Reservation for Cobain." The waiter looked quite young, maybe mid twenties. He also looked like he had just started working there, sweaty palms and stuttering over his words. He finally took two menus and led them over to a table by the windowsill. Kurt was especially happy about the seating because he could see his car in clear view.

"So, what'd you want to order Meadow? Don't worry about pricing either, get what you want." Meadow laughed, "I'm not that hungry anyway, so don't worry."

"Oh no." Meadow eyed Kurt, "What?"

"Don't pull that thing where you say that you only want a salad or something."

Meadow laughed, "Trust me honey, I don't roll like that. I'll get the mac and cheese combo. It's only about five bucks."

Kurt smiled, "Yeah, I think I'll get the same."

The waiter came back and took the menus. He shot a stare full of lust at Meadow, "What's your name miss?" Meadow looked up from her conversation with Kurt, "Me? I'm Meadow."

"Maybe you could let me take you out sometime." Kurt looked down expecting that Meadow would drop this whole date and run off into the sunset with this waiter. It was waiters like him that made Meadow question her job at Bloom. She looked over at Kurt and saw that the conversation was affecting him just as much as her.

"Look pal, get lost alright? If you couldn't tell I'm on a date right now, and I wouldn't want to share my feelings with anyone else so please leave." Meadow grabbed Kurt's hands reassuring him that it was okay.

"This is your date?" The waiter scanned Kurt with his hands and eyes, "How pathetic, so is this out of pity or something?" Meadow's eyes were no longer green and beaming as usual, they were now a dark green people would usually see if they stared at a tree in the forest.

She stood up and grabbed his collar, "For your information dumbass, I wouldn't go out with you if my life depended on it. I asked you nicely the first time, and this time I don't plan on keeping my composure." Without time to react, the waiter felt a sharp pain in his nose. There were gasps everywhere and some traces of laughter.

Meadow grabbed Kurt and ran out of the restaurant. They got into the car and Meadow collapsed into the seat with her head low. This wasn't the first time she had let her anger take over her judgement, but where does that boy get off to talk about Kurt like that. Or anyone for that matter.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to fuck up our date Kurt. It's just the way he was talking-." Kurt grabbed Meadow's face and this time the world stopped for just a second. They stood still simply just looking into the others eyes.

"What you did in there was super attractive if you were wondering." Meadow laughed, "Well it's nice to know you think like that." Kurt reached up and rested his hand on Meadow's cheek, he slowly took his thumb and traced her cheekbone. For some reason out of all the moments they had so far, this felt like the perfect time.

"Will you be my girlfriend? Officially that is?" Meadow beamed up and planted a huge kiss on his lips. Kurt pulled away, "I'm taking that as a yes?"

"Yes, you idiot." Meadow kissed him again and they stayed out driving around town until the early hours of the morning.

After all, Ethel did say to not wait.

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