The courtyard

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The five of you were walking down the halls. You recognized the path as the one leading to the cafeteria. Had it really been a couple of hours since you had breakfast? It only felt like you were in the group room for thirty minutes. Then it hit you, you really had been in the group room for around thirty minutes, you remembered that you had slept in a little late.

You mostly kept your gaze on the ground at your feet. Not daring to look your eyes up. However, eventually something got a hold of you and you brought your eyes up.

Willy was in front of you. His black-grey-blue hair shown brightly in the lights. You could see where the muzzle was tied at the back of his head, same for his second pair of arm restraints at his back.

Then, before you could even think about it, you glanced to the others behind you. Jack was behind you, staring at you with his ever wide gaze. It honestly looked like he was constantly shocked, but with how you were in the sight it only scared you. After him was his twin, Joshua. Who looked like he was not with everyone, but deep in his own mind, Calculating.

After Joshua was Elliot, Who was sort of hunched over and scrunched into himself as if his own size scared him. Trying to match his height with Joshua who was a good foot shorter than him. Which was scary considering how tall Joshua was compared to you. You did not know if that was what he was actually doing but that's what it looked like

You glanced back to Jack, who was still looking right at you, one last time before bringing your head forward again and continuing to look down at your feet. Listening to the rattling of your chains. Watching them shine in the light. Smelling the air that smelled of soap.

After a minute you were walked into the cafeteria and you were all unchained from each other, but the restraints were still on the five of you. Once again you were hit with a good smell. It smelled like Turkey and Ham. You all walked in the same order to the line. You noticed that you were the only ones in the room other than the kitchen staff and the guards. The rest of the patients on the eighth floor were probably already out in the courtyard.

They were serving Turkey and ham sandwiches. Complete with tomatoes and lettuce. Off to the side, there was a small steaming pot. You all were given your sandwiches, but you weren't given anything from the pot., except Elliot you noticed. He was served last. He was not given a sandwich, but the person behind the counter lifted the lid off of the pot and poured a good amount of soup, for someone Elliot's size, into a bowl.

You quickly went and sat down at an empty table. Seeing the twins going to their own table out of the corner of your eye. You sat down and took a deep breath. Trying not to shake too hard.

You picked up your sandwich and took a big bite out of it. It tasted like heaven. So you eagerly started to scoff it down. You glanced at your right and saw Elliot at his own table as well. Trying to get a spoonful of soup into his mouth. He seemed like he was having trouble with that task though.

He would lift the plastic spoon up to his mouth, sip it all in, only for it to all fall back into the bowl. Then you realized it was his lips. He probably could not work them that well with all the scars, and whatever was turning them purple.

" Quite sad isn't it?" A Higher pitched voice said from your immediate left. You gave out a little cry in shock and whirled your head toward the voice. There, right next to you, was Willy. Who had apparently just waltzed right up to you in your daze?

He had his plate in front of him but had his hand in his chin with elbow propped up on the table. He was slightly twisted in your direction. Looking at you with a big smile and wide eyes that glowed blue. His muzzle was gone.

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