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You had been home for a full week now. You felt like you were on a whole different planet, you felt so out of place. After Detective Dolin drove you home he had pulled your father aside to speak with him while your friends and family came up to greet you.

You avoided them like they had the plague or something of the sort. You knew these people, yet you felt like you could not trust them. You had learned to only trust three people in the past.

Destiny and Charlie tried to talk to you, but you did not say a word to them, nor anyone else for the matter. Destiny had tears in your eyes and quickly ran off when you refused to speak with her.

Was she taking it personally? Did she feel responsible for putting you there? If we were gonna be completely honest than she was partial. You did not know if you felt like blaming her though, after all, who was the person that hurt her to get her to tell that lie?

Your mother led you up to your room. It was still exactly how it had been left that fateful day almost four years ago. You had stood in the center, soaking in the feel of it again and letting the memories rush in.

That is where you stayed for the last week. You had barely eaten, not to purposely starve yourself but just for lack of appetite. Your mother would bring you things to eat and if luck was in the air she would find that it at least got nibbled on.

You would come out for other things as well, though not very often or for too long. You were trying to get back into the feel of being in a normal household and not an institute for the criminally insane.

When you would step out of your room to try and socialize your family would gather around you, but keep a little distance. You did not know how to feel about that. Were you feeling compressed with how they were around you? or were you feeling upset because they were keeping a distance as if they were afraid of you?

Either way, emotions got the best of you and you quickly ended up back in your room alone again. It would be often where you would find yourself talking out loud, asking questions to Elliot, Joshua or Willy, only to turn around to see why they did not respond and remember that they were not there anymore.

It brought tears to your eyes every time. When you cried you tried to be as quiet as possible, you did not want even more stress by already frantic family members barging in on you to see if you were alright.

It was morning now, and you slowly opened your eyes, once again expecting to see the white-painted concrete walls you had grown so used to in a glorified cell you called your room.

No, you were back home... what did that word mean anymore. You stayed laying down for a long time even after you woke up. Staying curled up in the blankets and staring blankly at the wall, deep in your thoughts.

You could smell something cooking from the kitchen downstairs. It smelled good, but you were probably not going to eat any of it. Your mother would probably leave some outside your room. She stopped knocking to announce it, she knew it only stressed you out.

You shifted around underneath the covers and pulled them off of you as they rustled softly. Swinging your feet over the edge and standing up. Moving to your closet to gather some clothing, you wanted to take a shower.

If there was one thing you were actually comfortable with back in normal life was how you had the privilege of showering alone and not in a room of about twenty other girls.

You often found yourself showering multiple times a day. It was your break from the paranoia that haunted you pretty much every day.

You hesitated at the door for a moment and listened to see if you could hear any movement from the other side. It seemed like it was all clear, your brother had his room upstairs with you too but he practically moved downstairs after realizing you refused to come out with other people so close.

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