Sparkling Eyes

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" This place will just have to do for now. It's at the edge of town, there are no neighbors and we should be able to stay out of sight." Willy said as he surveyed the house in front of us, a hand on his chin as he narrowed his icy eyes in thought.

The house before us was not that different than the one we left behind in the previous town. It was in slightly better condition, but it was still old and worn down. I could hear an old wooden shutter clacking against the walls from the wind somewhere.

"It's better than nothing," I commented and the three of us made our way up the porch stairs and to the front door. Willy tried the handle, but it only shook in his hand. It was locked. Maybe we could break a window and sneak in?

I was surprised when Willy stepped aside and motioned for Elliot to go to the door. I took a couple of steps back as the giant lumbered forward. He huffed and brought a fist up. He smashed a hole into the wooden door as if it were paper. I cringed at the loud sound. Hoping that there was no one nearby to have heard that.

Willy reached a hand through the hole and unlocked the door from the other side. It swung open on rusty hinges with a creak, slowly revealing to us what the inside looked like. Willy stepped in and I turned to Elliot, holding out my hands.

" Let me see it," I told him and he looked to the side in confusion before slowly bringing up his hand he used to punch the door. I carefully inspected it and when I found that there were no splinters or cuts to be seen I smiled at him and let go.

" Just making sure," I said to him before following Willy inside. I heard him following me, and I took a look around at the place we would be staying for the night. It was not the worst place I guess, though I defiantly would have preferred better.

" I am going out to find food, the two of you should stay here," Willy said, buttoning up his vest before going back towards the door.

" Wait!" I called after him and he froze in his tracks, looking back at me from over his shoulder. I walked up to him. " Don't you want any help?" I asked and he smiled fondly at me.

" No, I would prefer if you and Elliot were to stay here. Elliot is much more noticeable than I and would draw more attention. Plus, if anything were to happen I know that he would protect you with his life if it came down to it. I feel much better knowing that you two are here." He finished and left without giving me any more time to reply.

I looked back at the giant who was scratching at his growing beard with one giant paw while tugging at his tied-back hair with the other.

" Well! It's just you and me for the next few hours... what do you want to do?" I asked him, and he only blinked down at me in response. I looked around, its not like this house was stock full of things to entertain ourselves.

I looked over to one of the broken windows. It was not dark yet, it could barely be considered evening now. It was still plenty bright outside.

" Why don't we go out back and look around, this house is far enough from any habited house, so no one should see us." I offered to him, holding my hand out.

He took my hand with the one that was tugging his hair and he followed me as I led him through the halls and out of the back door once we finally found it.

The backyard was overflowing with unkempt grass and weeds as the forest beyond slowly reclaimed it. There were a broken shed and a splintery fence that was mostly laying flat on the ground. In the distance, I could hear running water.

I looked down at my arms, they were pretty dirty. If there was a river nearby we could wah up in it real fast. With Elliot's hand still in mine, we stepped over the fence and into the forest. The smell changed immediately and the must stench was replaced with a refreshing earth scent.

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