Willy's story Part 2

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Willy was not able to eat, sleep, or do anything else but worry until Rosie was found. After she was found, everything just shut down. He became distant and withered.

Amelia left a long while ago. After Rosie had been found dead. She had screamed at him for a little bit before her lover came and took her away. He did not care though. She had played him and he had been nothing but good to her.

The only thing that had truly mattered in this world was his little girl, and she was dead now. Emily had tried to check up on him a couple of times, but he never answered the door or the phone.

A week after Rosie's death they found evidence of the murderer. A man by the name of Sylvester Cameron. Apparently, he had been charged with a couple of cases of murder.

However, he was never convicted for one reason and one reason only. His family had lots of money. A quick wad of cash this way and that and the law looked the other way as if it never happened.

When the judge's mallet struck the dial and Sylvester was proclaimed innocent. Willy lept from his seat right then and there. He had tried to strangle the man and he did not care that it was in the courthouse.

The police dragged him away and he spent the night in a cell before they took him home the next day. He walked in through the door, and could not do it.

Every single square inch of the house reminded him and brought up memories of his daughter. A precious three-year-old girl who was murdered in cold blood and the killer was still out free.

He waited until the police had left. Not been bothering to throw on a coat before sluggishly walking out of the house. He walked down the street and did not stop.

His stomach growled, he had barely eaten anything since it all happened. However, he continued. He had no destination, in fact, his plan was to just walk until he dropped dead.

It was night now, and he was in the next city over. Honking car horns blared in the distance as he walked with his head down in one of the back alleys.

He did not stop when the shadowy figures stepped out, telling him to give them everything he had. He had nothing left, that was all taken from him when they found Rosie.

He only blinked slowly at them. His icy blue eyes dull and Void of complete emotion. There were two of them, both in front. They shouted at him angrily to give what he had. He only blinked again.

One stepped forward, a shiny blade gleaming in the dull light. He pushed Willy up against the wall, sliding the knight down the fabric of his torn vest.

" Hey... I know you, your story is all over the news." The one holding him said in a nasally voice. Willy's eyes flicked up as the other one stalked forward.

" Hey yeah, your right! he's the one who's the daughter they found dead in the ditch. It must be killen ya since the man is still scott free." Willy's lip twitched and the man continued. " Say, since that all happened ya ain't got nothin left to lie for anyway. Just give us your wallet and well leave ya to go on your way." The other one finished and the one holding him chuckled.

" The papers say she disappeared at the park, I bet ya wish you had been keeping a better eye on her eh?" The man laughed in his face.

The band snapped inside the broken man and without thinking he lunged forward. Biting the man right on his lip and pulling back, tearing the piece off completely as the man screamed in pain. The thug fell to the ground, clutching his lip with gloved hands.

He did not even think. The raw piece of human flesh slid down his throat, and suddenly... he wanted more. He liked hearing the sound of this man scream. He wanted to make him scream harder.

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