Not Safe Anywhere

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A/N: WARNING!!!!!!! This chapter contains sexual assault! If you don't want to read there will be a warning right before the scene and one right after.

" Its alright Joshua... there's absolutely no shame in letting loose." You comforted the man, rubbing his back soothingly as he sobbed into your shoulder. His shoulders shaking harshly and his hands gripped tightly onto your arms.

The locket lay dropped on the floor of the cafeteria with the picture up and letting Elliot and Willy see what had caused their friend to suddenly breakdown.

Willy picked the necklace up, and dusted it off, setting on the table next to Joshua. Looking over at you with a grim frown behind his muzzle and a sorrowful look in his eyes.

Elliot sat next to you with your back to him. Looking at the scene with wide confused eyes. the chatter in the cafeteria did not die down, though many patients witnessed the scene of one of the strongest in their midst crying onto you.

Very few of them paid heed to the scene, the ones who did stared curiously, one started giggling in low huffs. Every cackle wheezing out and making him cough.

You could feel how wet your shirt was becoming from the warm tears that made it stick lightly to your skin. It did not bother you though, but you were getting irritated at that laughing patient. You did not like your friend getting laughed at for his misery, even if the patient probably did not know what he was laughing at in the slightest.

It was scary to say the least to see Joshua, probably the most stoic out of your entire group, break down so hard. You did not know what to say to him, you really did not know what to do but hug him and just say it would be alright.

It was the only thing you could think of, but it was working, so you continued. This went on for the entirety of dinner. And soon the alarm rang, signaling that it was time for all the patients to exit the cafeteria and get in the lines to head to the showers.

Your group stayed right where they were though, refusing to move, Joshua just continued to cling onto you. Muttering something muffled into your shirt. you could make out only about half of it. Something about needing to get his brother back and tell him.

All the other patients were gone now and the guards were starting to round up on your little group, seeing your defiance as something that might lead to violence, they all took out their batons. which only made things far worse as Elliot tensed up behind you and let out a thundering growl.

You raised one of your hands and twisted it behind you to set it on his arm. It would not hold him back in any way if he decided to attack, but you were hoping the touch would calm him down.

" Get into your line." One of the guards shouted and you glared at her.

" Can't you see we're all kind of having a sensitive moment? would it kill you to just give us a bit more time?" You seethed at her. Joshua had stopped crying and was now just clutching onto your shoulders with his forehead creating against your collar bone. looking out at the guards from the sides oh his eyes with a wide-eyed blank expression.

They only stepped closer, raising their Botons higher and threatening you all once more to get in your lines. Willy stood up and walked calmly forward with his hands.

" Alright Alright everyone no need to get so feisty. We are just looking out for a friend and you are just doing your jobs," He tried reasoning with them. " We all have things we need to do let's just remember tha-." One of the Guards suddenly cut him off.

" Quiet Cannibal or we'll tighten that muzzle on you to the point where all blood flow in your jaw will be cut off." A Shadow crossed over Willy's eyes, and the air around him suddenly became very toxic.

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