A Starving Animal

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A/N: Joshua gets a bit nasty in this chapter so be warned. Also, I got some fan art of Willy! It's in the art bok if you want to see it!

You curled up tighter into the scratchy blanket you had been given. Not because you were cold, you were but that's not why you were curled up.

You were so upset, angry, sad, and scared. You had no idea what you were going to do now. You were trapped all over again, though this time you felt even more like a prisoner.

They took you up to the attic where they had moved a mattress up for you. The placed a shackle around your ankle so you were chained to one of the supporting beams.

After they had left you had pulled, tugged, yanked, and did just about everything trying to get free of the chain. It was no use though, you needed the key to get out of it, and Joshua had the key.

You layed in defeat on the matters. This is where you were now, pulling the blanket tighter around yourself. You still had some blood on you from the old couple. Their blood was on Joshua's hands when he grabbed you and took you upstairs.

At least he removed all of the ropes that were on you. Though the area's they had been were rubbed extremely raw and your wrists hurt like Hell.

You jumped and froze when you heard the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. You grabbed onto the blanket tightly, pulling it up so that it covered most of your face.

You stayed like that as the door opened and the sound of heavy boots walked in a few steps. They stopped and there was a very uncomfortable silence as they stared down at you.

You did not move a muscle, not wanting to look at them, it did not matter if it was Joshua or Jack. The footsteps moved again, coming closer to you until the mattress dipped as they took a seat next to you.

You felt their eyes on you but still did not move to look at them. In fact, you were trying very hard to make your breathing as steady as possible.

You jumped slightly as you felt a large hand place itself on your side. You squirmed away from it, pulling the blanket up so that it was covering your entire head. There was a frustrated sigh above you.

" I don't like you ignoring me," Joshua said grumpily. You did not respond. Ignoring him further and going back to being as still as possible. There was a growl and another shift on the mattress as he grabbed onto your shoulder tightly.

" Don't ignore me." He said though this was not a comment but more of a command. You gently pulled the blanket off of your head, though you stayed laying down and facing away from him.

" Why would I want to talk to you after everything you have just done." You said quietly. The grip on your shoulder tightened as his temper flared up.

" Look at me!" He hissed. You pressed your lips together firmly as a deep frown crossed your features. Instead of looking at him, you pulled the blanket back up over your head.

That did not sit well with him. He immediately yanked the whole thing off of you and tossed it to the other end of the room. You curled into a ball, feeling more exposed now. The chain connected to your ankle shackle clicked as you moved.

He grabbed you by the shoulders and hoisted you up so that you were on your knees, facing him. You finally looked at him, though you still had the deep frown on your face.

His eyes searched yours as he took in your displeasure. He huffed as he saw no change in your expression before leaning over and grabbing a paper plate he had brought in with him.

" I made you a sandwich, You have not eaten ever since I took you." He said. He was not even trying to sugarcoat his words. He was saying he kidnapped as if it was the easiest thing to do. You were starving though and the loud grumble your stomach let out at the mention of food gave it all away even if you wanted to hide it.

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