The Moons Bright Light

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I Stared with wide eyes in shock as Charlie was shot in the back of the head. He cried out as he felt the barrel press against him. Then he was gone.

Blood, skull fragments, and brains explode everywhere and his body slumped down as the life left him. Charlie, the last person from my life before everything had gone to hell, was now dead.

Blood welled out from the missing chunk in his head and stained his entire body. The smell of copper in the room was so strong that I almost gagged.

Below us, I heard Destiny hack up more blood, and I slowly turned to look down at her with wide eyes void of expression. Her eyes looked right at me, and I looked right into hers.

"It's time to end this Destiny. I hope you like your eternity far away from Charlie in HELL." I Seethed down at her. She could only blink up a time in response. She was so close to death, but she was not there yet.

I turned to Joshua as he picked up the gun that she had been using, cocking the hammer back with his gun, and turning over to me as he held it out.

I stared at it for a moment before slowly reaching out and taking the cold metal weapon in my hands. Joshua and Elliot helped stabilize me so I did not topple over from my gunshot wounds.

I stared down at her coldly. She looked up at me. I could have sworn her gurgling became even faster as I lifted the gun up and pointed it at her.

As I did all the face of the people she hurt and killed came into my mind. Her mother, Charlie's parents, My family, Charlie, Joshua, Elliot, Willy, And me.

I pulled the trigger without any remorse and the bullet landed in the dead center of her forehead. Her head cracked on the ground, and she finally died, her eyes still wide and staring blankly up at me.

I tossed the gun down on the ground, staring down at her body for a long moment as tears started to cloud my vision. I knelt over as I let out a heart-wrenching scream that echoed around the room and into the hallways beyond.

I felt Joshua stroking my back comfortingly and Elliot holding onto me as I let out all of my pain and anguish in my cries. When I was done, I stayed bent over for a second as I tried to catch my breath that felt like it would never come back to me.

My breathing continued to hitch as Joshua gently started pulling Elliot and me along with him, towards the door he came out of when he saved me.

" Come on... I'm getting you out of here." He said softly. They both held me in their arms, practically carrying me as they helped me out of here. I kept my head down as we passed through more hallways and rooms.

I did not know if there were any more pictures of my old friend and me, but I did not want to see them if there were. The hallways were still dark, and eerily quiet other than our footsteps and my sobs.

Eventually, Joshua led us to some stairs that we started ascending. Elliot kept a hand on my bullet wounds, trying to held and keep too much blood from pouring out.

It hurt but I had no heart to tell him that. If anything I preferred it if he continued to hold me, it helped soothe me in my throws of anguish and despair.

Joshua pushed open a set of doors and we walked out into the early morning. It was till dark, but the moon was so bright that I could see everything. We were even casting shadows with how bright it was.

It was slightly windy but nothing too bad. We all continued walking for a long while until we were in the middle of a gigantic field. The plants waved in the night breeze as we all stopped to rest.

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