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Yaoyorozu rushed over to the three hero's. She stopped a few meters in front of them, her eyes not leaving the ground. She couldn't muster up the courage to look at Midoriya...

Then other people started coming over they were curious about the No.1 hero's appearance, as he was not wearing his smile; letting large tears roll down his cheeks.

"Tod-Todoroki what happened?" Yaoyorozu questioned. There was no reply from him, or anyone else.

"Its... not true... r-right" Momo said, she could feel tears welling up, preparing for their decent, she still couldn't look up. She refused to believe that was Midoriya in All Mights arms.

"I'm sorry young Yaoyorozu..." This time All Might spoke. Giving her confirmation. She let the tears she had been holding in, fall all at once. Her knees buckled beneath her and she slumped to the ground.

Then, rather shockingly, Todoroki dragged his feet towards her and slumped down in front of her, throwing his arms round her, crying into her shoulder as she did the same to him.

All Might and Recovery walked off, Izuku in All Mights arms. They headed towards a line of black bags... body bags. There were only a few, mostly containing older people who had had heart attacks, or collapsed from shock then been crushed but rubble. Izuku was definitely the youngest one to be placed there...


It hurt, it hurt All Might so much he couldn't put it into words... his precious successor had been lost, along with the power he had gifted him...

All All Might had wished to do was protect Japan, and so he had given it to the young green haired boy, whom filled him with joy, cared deeply for everyone, did anything to protect the innocent, and would even risk his life to protect the corrupt if there was no other choice.

But now that boy was dead.

Lying, unmoving, pale, cold and bleeding, in the arms of his hero.

'So much for being a hero' All Might thought.

"Place... him down Toshi..." A small voice spoke from beside him. Recovery Girl was holding open a body bag on the ground, unzipped all the way down. She looked sullen, depressed, like she was holding back her emotions, trying to barricade her tears behind her goggles.

'This certainly is a sight for sore eyes' All Might thought, the No.1 and one of the best healers in Japan, lowering a body of a young child into a body bag... If the villans saw this they'd certainly laugh.

All Might placed Midoriya fully in the bag, before sliding the zip up, hiding Izuku from the world. He let a tear slip as he slid the zip over Izukus face, knowing this would likely be the last time he ever got to see it. Even if it was pale and bloodied, he'd never forget it.

(Authors note: guess whos back, back again!!! ok so i actually did decide to carry this on with some good ol'reader persuasion. so expect some long and some short chapters, but mostly just me seeing how badly i can fuck everyone up!

ok love ya bye)

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