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It had been a week since the funeral, everybody was still distraught but lessons were continuing once more although some students didn't turn up to a few of them. Since Todorokis talk with Uraraka he had been investigating the circumstances in which Izuku died. He so far had come up with only the basic details.


-Arrived at the fight on xxxx
-All of us were fine, we had beaten all the villans we knew of
-Izuku said he was going to go make sure all of the civilians were ok
-He was gone for a while so i went to go find him
-Found him dead
-Killed my stab wounds from rocky structure

So far that was all Todoroki had been able to figure out, if he was to do this properly he would have to take statements, reports all sorts... But it was worth it for Midoriya!

"Dude hurry up we'll be late!" shouted a certain red head. Todoroki got up closing his book and placing it in his bag. He opened his door and was greeted by the red heads smile

"Let's go" Shotou said bluntly as the speed walked to class.

That day Shotou trained his hardest, if he was going to beat this villan he would need to be strong, stronger than Midoriya... hell he would need to be stronger than all might! He slumped down onto the floor, his chest rising and falling as he took big gulps of air, sweat tickled down his face.

"How... *huff* did you *huff huff* manage... to train like *huff* this everyday Midoriya?" he said his voice soft and solemn. He had watched Midoriya train enough times to know what his regime was...And damn was it intense. 'No wonder he was stronger than me' Todoroki thought to himself, a small smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.


Uraraka was lying on her bed, her mind elsewhere.

"... and then they did a back flip off the roof and it was SO COOL!!" an excited pink girl shouted. Uraraka had no clue as to what she was talking about, her mind had been off in dream land ever since Izuku died. She would recall the good memories they had, all the times he saved her, all the times they worked together to overcome obstacles... she even thought of the future they might've had together...

"Oi are you even listening?!" groaned Mina tapping Ochakos leg "Yoohoo anyone in there?" she said tapping hee leg a little harder "URARAKA CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" she shouted as she violently shook her.

"Huh... wha-MINA STOP! TH-THAT TIC-ICKELS!!" Uraraka laughed as Mina began attacking her tickling her everywhere she could.

"Sorry... you just seemed so depressed. I DONT LIKE IT I WANT MY HAPPY BEAN BACK!" Mina moaned, slumping onto her feet, looking down at her hands. "You've been like it ever... ever since the incident. I understand why but please... I just miss my Ochako, the happy one..."

Uraraka just sat there looking at Mina in shock, she was unaware she felt like that. Had her mood really been putting everyone else down?

" sorry. I just... i miss him so much... he-he..." she didn't finish her sentence before she broke out in tears, Mina grabbing her, hugging her tightly.

"Its ok, i know i do too" Mina said her voice comforting the weeping Ochako.
"We all miss him, but he wouldn't want anyone to be sad, or to cry... That was his job, do you remember the amount of tears that kid could produce... Jeez it was scary!" she said giggling, Uraraka soon chuckling too. "No matter how much we cry he won't come back, so we just have to except it, we can make his wishes a reality for him, because that's all we can do now" she said still hugging Ochako.

"Thank you" Ochako said "Im going to become a great hero just for him, I'll surpass everyone even all might if it means he can be happy!" a huge smile spread across her face. She held Mina at arms length and looked into her eyes before saying "Even of he's gone, i still have to beat him!"

(A/N guten tag, wie gehts? ok how was this chapter, i thinks its a mess but hey ho, ok by)

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