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"Good morning Todoroki-kun!" cheered a small green haired boy

"Good morning Izuku-kun" i replied, tiredly. "How are you this morning?"

"It hurts..."


"It hurts, its your fault Todoroki"

"Izuku..." i turn my head to face him, his body is ripped through with rocky daggers, theres blood everywhere.

"This is your fault... you shouldn't have left me!"

Before i knew it he was hanging, lifeless, in my arms. Deep crimson liquid covering everything. His hand reached up to my face, he turned his head up at me, his hollow eyes burning into mine.

"You're next"


I woke with a start my heart pounding.

"W-what was... that?" i said, my throat so dry it came out scratchy and hoarse. Once i calmed down i realised it had been a nightmare, i thought they had stopped but i guess not...

I looked over at the clock it read 7:42am 'shit better get ready' i thought throwing off my covers. Today was the day i got to interview more people from the attack. Finally, after 5 months i had found more witnesses! So far the dots weren't quite connecting... there was something - maybe someone- missing.

I put on some jeans and a shirt, combed through my hair and applied some aftershave. If these people were giving me answers the least i could do was make myself somewhat appealing. I grabbed my pad and pens, dropping them in my bag, along with my keys, phone and wallet.

Name: Suzuya Fumi
Address: xxxxxxxxxx

Name: Rin Fumi

Name: Makatou Kaito

"Uraraka I'll be gone for a while, see you later" i said as i passed her in the hallway

"Ok, im going out anyways so see ya!" she said cheerily and with that i left. got on the train and headed off to meet the first of my witnesses.


Suzuya Fumi was a sweet woman, her hairs greyed from age, wrinkles slowly appearing on her face. But surprisingly she offered me a lot of information!

"Well you see im an old woman so once im out of the way no one really pays attention to me."

"I see, would it be possible for you to describe the people -namely villans- you saw that day"

" Of course! Let's see, there was a man in a mask which matched his clothing, a young blonde lass with crazy eyes and messy hair, a man covered in hands, another with purple patches on his skin and bushy black hair, a spirit like thing with a metal case round their head and then a bald, stone looking person"

"I see well all of tho- wait! That last description, say it again!"

"A bald, stone looking person..."

"Thats it, they're the 6th villan! Do you remember anything else about them?" i said overjoyed

"Only that they could control the ground, make pillar like things is all, sorry i know its not much help"

"Nonsense! You've helped so much thank you!" With that i stood up and left, i had to get more information on this person.

The next witness was Suzuyas sister, but she lived a little further away. Once we met, i could clearly see the resemblance between her and her sister.

"Nice to meet you Fumi, I'm Todoroki Shouto, thank you for agreeing to meet"

"Oh come now young man im happy to help." She said with a big smile

"Thanks, then let's start! Could you tell me if you noticed a person fitting this description 'bald, stone looking'?"

"Hmmm... Ah yes! I saw him, he was looking for someone during the fight. He could control the ground, well it looked mostly like stone, and his build was very rectangular."


"Yes he was definitely a man, his voice was far too deep to be a womans"

It was at that moment the sporadic dots started to aline.

(a/n hehe ok hi! sorry that it's been like almost a month... But i have good reason!! i have had 3 weeks of exams and still have to finish my 10 hour exam tomorrow, so im super sorry!! please forgive me

not to mention i also have a job

and siblings i have to care for 😅

anyways im SUPER SORRY!!


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