[5] "All My Good Chemistry Jokes ARGON.."

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Heyo! Its me O, I just wanted to say that this chapter is going to be a good and extra long to makeup for the last two mediocre chapters. I am proud to say that this one will not take place in a forest nor a hospital so strap in because its.. idk it's 1 am and I just finished writing ch.4 and im tired and I have exams tomorrow.

I should really be studying or sleeping. Not on Wattpad writing a story, I am the procrastinator of all procrastinators in the entire multiverse ever. I do hope you enjoy this chapter thought.

Update: It is now 3 am and im tired and hah exams scmans idk.. I really to sleep but i decided to start writing this chapter a little bit and im kinda happy with it but it is so unedited that im crying with all the grammar mistakes but its okay, ill fix it.


I wish i wasn't alone in most of my classes at school, being a senior only has it's limited perks. Like roaming the halls without being questioned when shown class I.D.

Although most of my friends are indeed juniors, its okay. Sitting in class is literally the worst, I wish so badly that the fire alarm goes off and this school burns to ashes only when everyone leaves of course.

"Reed. Did you happen to know the symbol and electron configuration of Argon?" My mind blanks, my most weakest subject happens to be chemistry and this teacher also hates my guts. "No? Didn't think so, Hambel, care to tell me the answer? And please do not embarrasss  yourself like Ms. Reed."

"Yes sir. The symbol is Ar and the configuration is [Ne] 3s23p6   " what a little show boat, trying to act all smart to make me look dumber in front of a damn genius of a teacher. He doesn't even teach he only expects you to know the answer of a problem that he hasn't taught and thinks we'll know it when we fucking don't. I don't care if it seems like I'm taking this personally because I'm totally not.

The bell rang and i snapped out of my seat like a spring in a bed finally being released. But just before i can make my great escape, Mr. Randel calls me to his desk.


"I can see your'e struggling with keeping up in class, I thought about assigning you a tutor. Sound good?" My mouth drops and i shook my head "Close your mouth before a bug flies in."

"Sorry but I think I dont need you to give me a tutor, I'm perfectly capable of finding someone on my own without a teachers assistance."

He only chuckles, it almost sounded maniacal. But still maniacal..

"It's already been done." He shoos me off like im a fly, I swear im going to wring him like a fucking towel.

Once im in the hallway and his door is shut i let out a groan of annoyance and crash into a guy, but i couldn't care less. "Watch it!"

He stands up picking up his notebook and timetable "Sorry, just looking for my class. It's been a week but still havent gotten used to where my classes were."

"Don't remember giving a fuck." I said angrily "Where's your class?"

"231.." he said slowly, I started walking and he just stood there like a dummy. I waved him over to follow and stopped in front of a math class. "Thanks."

I roll my eyes and walk to Elena's locker since she happen to be standing there alone, for the first time ever Caroline isn't hovering around her. "Well look at you being your own woman without the help of Caroline Forbes.."

"Well look at you, not being the sidekick of Bonnie Bennett." She giggles, i let out a small laugh "Thanks for not treating me like a wounded bird."

"you wish, I won't be nice to anyone despite the problem so you happen to be lucky." I said with a smile "How you holding up? All good?"

She nods her head "I'm fine, great actually."

My mouth forms a small smile "Let me know when you actually mean it..But I heard about a certain someone named 'Hotback'"

She blushes slightly and i poke her "Last time you had that look was when Matt finally had the balls to ask your cute ass out, who is he?"

She doesn't say anything, she only leaves me alone by her locker as she walks in the direction of her next class. No one ever talks to me about guy problems. I wonder why? Maybe because my love-life or lack of is the reason why..

I quickly walk to my next class and took my seat. This is last period I'm so ready for today to end, have I mentioned that i hate school with a burning passion?


I feel like my friends are avoiding me, I don't really understand why but it's like they have.. More important things to do. I mean if they didn't want to hang out then they probably shouldn't have made plans with me.

"Table for one? That's new. Wheres the Scooby gang, hunting the mask robber?" Tyler said sliding in the booth across me, I roll my eyes and watch the entrance.

"No we made plans to hang but they are no-shows." I stood up and walked to the bar, I pointed to a gin and tonic.

Someone sat right beside me and i felt their gaze on me "Look Ty, I appreciate the att-" I look over and its that man from before. "Sorry your not Tyler.."

"No im not.." He said with a smirk, this guy gives me the heebie jeebies. He pulls a woman in front of him and slits her wrist with little lemon cutting knife. "Don't make a sound, just keep that dainty arm up."

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I snapped at him, I look at the woman and she is completely unaware that she is bleeding. "Hey lady, you okay?"

"She can't hear you. Now.." He leaned in and makes eye contact with me, his pupils dilate like he's controlling them "Follow me."

If I follow him, he could kill me. If I don't he'll know his crazy mind trick didn't work. I stood up and waited for him to lead trying my best to have that dazed look. He held the door open and led me into the abyss of Mystic Falls and god am I peeing myself?


I hoped you like ch 5, took a little time but I got there.

Where do you think Damon's taking Paris?

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