[6] "Bonnies completely right, I need therapy.."

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He led me..to a hotel room? Fuck no.

I'm not going to let him do anything i wont approve or consent to, so he better watch out. One of the pillows on the bed is covered in blood, did he murder someone in this room?

The covers move and a familiar blond head pops up, Caroline? I don't say anything because this creep might do whatever he did to her. I close my eyes and pray that I don't die today. But Caroline jumped out of bed and walked up to him.

"Why the hell is Paris here? I thought you weren't going to bother anyone else" She demanded, Her face set in a 'I'm mad but also cute' I try to control my eyes so they just don't roll away.

He spins me toward him and looks into my eyes "Act normal but do not leave this room."

"Why the fuck am I here?" I said quietly, I don't feel like getting on this guys bad side or else that next pillow will be covered in my blood.

"Just an extra.." He mutters looking through some draws, I sat down in a chair and scratched the table.

I continue scratching the table until there's a mark where my nail has been harassing, I need to get out of here and call the cops or something. Can this be classified as kidnap? I mean I did technically come willingly, but only because I didnt wanna die. But Caroline could have been kidnapped or mind controlled.

"Can you stop?" Caroline snapped at me, I slowly look at her and smirk. I made sure that my nails get louder, she smiles sweetly "I'm going break that nail if you don't stop."

"Try me."

She basically cowers away and i continue as i smirk from my short-lived win. "I will break that arm in half if you don't shut it. so Care sweetie, open those ears and shut the trap."

He quickly walks out of the room and the door closes "Why are we here?"

"I don't know, but all we can do is go with it." She whispered, I shook my head "What else can we do?"


She shook her head and opened the door, she tries to walk out but its like an invisible wall is there to stop her "We can't leave." I walk to the door, there is no fucking way I'm going to be stuck in here with the most annoying girl at school. I try to walk out and I succeed.

"I'm going to get help." I state, she looks at me bewildered. I run down the hall to see him standing next to a women while she whimpers in pain, I quickly spun around and ran anywhere but there.

"Now, now.." He said stopping in front of me, I gently bumped into him and back away "How are you resisting my compulsion, I don't think you have any vervain on or in you.."

"Look man, I promise not to-" He plunges his fangs, it feels like my life force drains as i feel him drinking my blood? he pulls his fangs out of my neck and holds my shoulders so he's breathing into my neck, it feels like he's trying to think about something.

"No vervain.." I stood there in shock, I placed my hand down on my neck and pulled it back to look at it. my hand was covered in blood, my eyes wide and then the pain kicks in. I feel tears brimming in my eyes and I look back at the guy, damon.. I walk backwards in confusion, what was this guy? why the hell is he doing this to me? am I going to die?

"now, now, calm down..I can hear your heart beating a mile a minute and you're tempting me." he muttered as he typed something in his phone, the little sound is heard after sending a message. "now we need to figure out why you can't be compelled."

"please listen, I won't snitch or anything. you don't have to worry about anything just let me and caroline go and we don't have to be your problem." I said quietly, I was against the hallway wall with atleast 6 feet distance from him.

"hm.." he groans, he's thinking. thinking about killing me?

he slowly walks towards me like a predator stalking it's prey, I don't really enjoy my position in this scenario. he continues to get closer, I don't know what else to do besides close my eyes and hope for the best.

"paris was it?" he asked me so close to my face, I can smell the metallic left over in his mouth and a touch of peppermint. the smell making me want to gag, I never thought i'd be close to dying in a while. this feels like i'm totally clueless about my near future, what am I supposed to do?

I nod my head slowly "what do you want?"

he smiles and lets out a chuckle "revenge."

I furrow my brows "I didn't do anything to you.."

he stared at me for a moment and got closer to me, his mouth only inches away from mine. he leaned in close to my neck and took a deep breath and lightly licked the spot he bite earlier, I cringe and squeezed my eyes shut as he does so.

"i've never had someone with such tasty blood in so long..almost makes me want to drain you right now." he said into my neck as he breathed it in, this is kinda uncomfortable..is it weird that I find it kinda hot?

bonnie's completely right, I need therapy.

he pulls away and I let a breath of relief out, I get to live for now. he grabbed my arm and took me back to the room, he slammed me into the seat and walked over to caroline. he stood her up and looked her in the eyes, he's gunna to the weird eye control thing to her..

"don't make a sound." he commanded, he bite into her neck for a few seconds and then pulls away. "go home, be normal. call your friends, hang at the grill. be a teenager, forget we ever spoke today."

she nods her head and puts her scarf on, she opened the hotel door in a daze and left. leaving me alone with the psycho.

he picked up the phone and dials something "can I get fresh sheets for room 44?" then hung up the phone.
"can't sleep on bloody sheets.."

"why do you need me here? why did you take me at all?" I asked timidly, this guy is a monster. I can't try to get on his bad side at all, he ended up behind me in less than a second in the hallway. how he even knew I was there is a mystery..

"I guess you'll find out soon enough."

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